Geothlypis trichas coloradonicola Oberholser Geothlypis trichas coloradonicola Oberholser, 1948: 3 (Las Vegas, New Mexico). Now Geothlypis trichas occidentalis Brewster, 1883. See Lowery and Monroe, 1968: 40; Guzy and Ritchison, 1999; Curson, 2010b: 771; and Lovette et al., 2010: 764–765. HOLOTYPE: AMNH 384387, adult male, collected at Las Vegas, 35.36N, 105.15W (Times atlas), New Mexico, on 27 May 1915, by Arthur Smith. From the Jonathan Dwight Collection (no. 43071). COMMENTS: The AMNH number of the holotype was given by Oberholser in the original description. He did not list paratypes.Published as part of LeCroy, Mary, 2013, Type Specimens Of Birds In The American Museum Of Natural History Part 11. Passeriformes: Parulidae, Dr...