Raabeina biangulara Zhang & Cao, 2011, sp. nov.

  • Zhang, Yalin
  • Cao, Yanghui
Publication date
December 2011


6. Raabeina biangulara sp. nov. (Figs. 5, 12, 19, 65–73) Description. Head slightly narrower than pronotum, crown with anterior margin weakly produced, coronal suture distinct (Fig. 5). Frontoclypeus narrow, anteclypeus broad (Fig. 19). General color yellow. Eyes black. Scutum and scutellum pale yellow, with patch at apex of scutellum black. Triangles yellow. (Figs. 5, 12) Abdominal apodemes reaching middle of fifth sternite (Fig. 65). Anal tube appendage with two obvious right-angle bends, touching or slightly extending beyond hind margin of pygofer side (Fig. 66). Pygofer side truncate, provided with four macrosetae at lower basal angle and row of nine setae at hind margin (Fig. 66). Subgenital plate hardly pigmented, with three m...

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