Holostaspella bidentata sp. nov. (Figures 16‒24; 32‒36) Diagnosis. Ventri-anal shield with fOur pairs Of setae; metasternal shields free On sOft integument; tarsus II with a spur-like seta (mv), dOrsal shield withOut lateral indentatiOns; all dOrsal shield setae pilOse alOng their entire length and similar in width. In female, all setae On ventral shields smOOth and pOinted, except pilOse pOst-anal setae; crista posterior erecta distinct and narrOw; mOveable digit with twO distinct median teeth. In male, Jv3 smOOth, Other preanal setae pilOse; spermatOdactyl abOut dOuble length Of mOvable digit. Specimens examined. HOlOtype, female, Turkey, Gümüşhane PrOvince, Köse TOwn, 40° 16’ N, 39° 38' E, alt. 1856 m, 26 June 2011, litter ...