Laboulbenia hyalopoda De Kesel

  • Santamaria, Sergi
  • Pedersen, Jan
Publication date
November 2021


Laboulbenia hyalopoda De Kesel MB#446744 Fig. 33E–H Sterbeeckia 18: 17 (De Kesel 1998). – Type: “ HOLOTYPUS: De Kesel 991 (BR), die 28.VIII.1987, in locis Heide Kalmthout (Antverpia, Belgia), ad sternitum abdominalis Dromii linearii (Olivier) (Coleoptera, Carabidae) lectus; BR. [Belgium] Diagnostic features Cell V oval, slightly shorter than cell IV, not connected with cell III; its inner margin separated from perithecium at least in its distal portion. Insertion cell separated from perithecium. Outer appendage unbranched, brown. Inner appendage once divided above the basal cell, consisting of two simple, hyaline branches, both terminated by solitary, poorly distinguished antheridia. Basal cell of inner appendage much smaller tha...

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