. Phlegmariurus hoffmannii (Maxon) B. Øllgaard (2012b: 15). Fig. 13 Lycopodium hoffmannii Maxon (1914: 423).— Urostachys hoffmannii (Maxon) Nessel (1939: 99).— Huperzia hoffmannii (Maxon) Rolleri & Deferrari (1988: 156).—Type:— COSTA RICA, Volcan Barba, 28. 8. 1855, Hoffmann 85 (US 691549 holotype). Erect or ascending, often forming large rich-branched clumps, to 50 cm tall. Shoots homophyllous, equally thick throughout, 10–18 mm in diam. incl. leaves. Stems excl. leaves 2–6 mm thick at the base, ridged by decurrent leaf bases (dried). Leaves uniform throughout, borne in alternating, distant to crowded whorls of 5–6, these (2–) 3–6 mm apart, wide-spreading or ascending to sharply reflexed, usually strongly recurved, lanc...