Corvus bennetti queenslandicus Mathews Corvus bennetti queenslandicus Mathews, 1912a: 443 (Queensland). Now Corvus orru cecilae Mathews, 1912. See Mathews, 1927: 407–412; Hartert, 1929a: 48– 54; Mathews, 1930: 896; Blake and Vaurie, 1962: 276; Rowley, 1970; Schodde and Mason, 1999: 606–607; and dos Anjos, 2009: 633. HOLOTYPE: AMNH 674551, young male, collected at Coomooboolaroo, 23.53N, 149.34E (USBGN, 1957), Dawson River, Queensland, Australia, on 27 November 1909, from the Barnard Collection. From the Mathews Collection (no. 4724) via the Rothschild Collection. COMMENTS: Mathews gave his catalog number of the holotype in the original description. Mathews’ catalog records that this specimen was the only Corvus specimen from amo...