[Craspedophora magnifica yorki Mathews] COMMENTS: Despite the fact that Mathews (1922: 8) called yorki a new subspecies, this name was supplied in 1922 as a replacement name for Ptiloris alberti Elliot, which Mathews considered to be preoccupied by ‘‘ Ptilornis alberti Gray, 1869 (1870) ’’; Mathews did not indicate a type. However, as noted by Mayr (1962d: 188) the manuscript name supplied by Gray (1870: 105) was a nomen nudum there. Elliot (1871: 580–581) explained that, while he did not generally approve of applying a manuscript name to a new form, in this case he was making an exception and applying Gray’s manuscript name to the smaller Cape York bird collected by Macgillivray; Elliot was validating Gray’s name by providing a descript...