Le trasformazioni nel campo della comunicazione scientifica stanno modificando anche il ruolo delle biblioteche universitarie. Se si vuole evitare che prevalga un atteggiamento di totale disintermediazione le biblioteche devono riscoprire una loro funzione formativa e impegnarsi sul terreno della information literacy.Libraries that have traditionally acted in support of researchers, placing sources and instruments for research at their disposal, but the transformations underway in scientific communication gave meant that the roles of those who mediate between documents and their contents and users - such as the librarian - have been blurred until they are practically unrecognisable. There is a concrete risk that this could end in a kind of ...
This article is a contribution to the debate on the reform of the library and the new roles it must ...
Rozważania dotyczą bibliotek akademickich oraz nauki w znaczeniubadań naukowych. Obydwa obszary – bi...
The university library as a center disseminator of knowledge plays a fundamental role in the dissemi...
The purpose of the study. Disclosure of the role of the scientific library atvarious stages of scien...
These slides have been presented at the Stelline 2013 National Congress. In this work is analysed th...
In the last 50 years, publishers have managed to transform scholarly journals—traditionally, a secon...
La funzione di mediazione tra domanda e offerta e di supporto alla ricerca esercitata dalle bibliot...
This presentation is devoted to understanding the academic library as the ultimate place where scien...
U radu se s teorijskog aspekta daje prikaz znanstvene komunikacije u suvremenom dobu. Suvremeno doba...
As a consequence of developments in information technology, the traditional information chain is sub...
La biblioteca come accesso all'informazione offre servizi che facilitano l'incontro (e la comunicazi...
a introducció de les noves tecnologies a les biblioteques dóna al bibliotecari-documentalista nous m...
Topic: Scholarly Communication and Institutional Repositories: the role of Librarian
21st century librarians handle a wide array of technology and social tools many of which were not e...
For centuries, the position of the library and the librarian was not under debate. The useful role o...
This article is a contribution to the debate on the reform of the library and the new roles it must ...
Rozważania dotyczą bibliotek akademickich oraz nauki w znaczeniubadań naukowych. Obydwa obszary – bi...
The university library as a center disseminator of knowledge plays a fundamental role in the dissemi...
The purpose of the study. Disclosure of the role of the scientific library atvarious stages of scien...
These slides have been presented at the Stelline 2013 National Congress. In this work is analysed th...
In the last 50 years, publishers have managed to transform scholarly journals—traditionally, a secon...
La funzione di mediazione tra domanda e offerta e di supporto alla ricerca esercitata dalle bibliot...
This presentation is devoted to understanding the academic library as the ultimate place where scien...
U radu se s teorijskog aspekta daje prikaz znanstvene komunikacije u suvremenom dobu. Suvremeno doba...
As a consequence of developments in information technology, the traditional information chain is sub...
La biblioteca come accesso all'informazione offre servizi che facilitano l'incontro (e la comunicazi...
a introducció de les noves tecnologies a les biblioteques dóna al bibliotecari-documentalista nous m...
Topic: Scholarly Communication and Institutional Repositories: the role of Librarian
21st century librarians handle a wide array of technology and social tools many of which were not e...
For centuries, the position of the library and the librarian was not under debate. The useful role o...
This article is a contribution to the debate on the reform of the library and the new roles it must ...
Rozważania dotyczą bibliotek akademickich oraz nauki w znaczeniubadań naukowych. Obydwa obszary – bi...
The university library as a center disseminator of knowledge plays a fundamental role in the dissemi...