The flow regime of the Wimmera River was substantially modified due to the construction of a water supply reservoir. Samples of diatoms and soft algae and measurements of water quality were analysed at ten sampling sites for 3 years (between February 2012 and November 2014) along the MacKenzie River, a tributary of the Wimmera River, in different seasons and under different flow regimes, to understand the spatial and temporal variation in the relationship between algal communities, water quality and stream condition. Baseline information on algal communities and water quality was collected during base flow conditions, while experiments on the effect of water releases on algal communities were based on flow regime variations (manipulated flo...
A well-designed monitoring program is critical for determining the extent of human impacts and the e...
An algal response model is being developed to inform the operational characteristics of a water supp...
The longitudinal structure of the environmental and phytoplankton variables was investigated in the ...
The flow regime of the Wimmera River was substantially modified due to the construction of a water s...
Rivers and streams have suffered multiple transformations to attend the increasing water demands wor...
River damming reduces the dispersal rates of biota and filter species by altering the local environm...
Rivers have long been considered physically driven ecosystems, and the physical environment varies b...
This study assesses spatial and temporal variation in environmental variables in relation to phytopl...
We studied the effects of flow reduction on epibenthic algal assemblages by comparing up- and down-s...
This study assesses spatial and temporal variation in environmental variables in relation to phytopl...
Abstract The metacommunity approach provides insights into how the biological communities are assemb...
Rivers and related freshwater ecosystems are facing increasing natural disturbance and anthropogenic...
Increasing pressures from both natural disturbance and anthropogenic activities challenge river ecos...
Final Milestone Report: National River Health Program – Environmental Flows InitiativeThis project e...
Freshwater ecosystems vary in size and composition and contain a wide range of organisms which inter...
A well-designed monitoring program is critical for determining the extent of human impacts and the e...
An algal response model is being developed to inform the operational characteristics of a water supp...
The longitudinal structure of the environmental and phytoplankton variables was investigated in the ...
The flow regime of the Wimmera River was substantially modified due to the construction of a water s...
Rivers and streams have suffered multiple transformations to attend the increasing water demands wor...
River damming reduces the dispersal rates of biota and filter species by altering the local environm...
Rivers have long been considered physically driven ecosystems, and the physical environment varies b...
This study assesses spatial and temporal variation in environmental variables in relation to phytopl...
We studied the effects of flow reduction on epibenthic algal assemblages by comparing up- and down-s...
This study assesses spatial and temporal variation in environmental variables in relation to phytopl...
Abstract The metacommunity approach provides insights into how the biological communities are assemb...
Rivers and related freshwater ecosystems are facing increasing natural disturbance and anthropogenic...
Increasing pressures from both natural disturbance and anthropogenic activities challenge river ecos...
Final Milestone Report: National River Health Program – Environmental Flows InitiativeThis project e...
Freshwater ecosystems vary in size and composition and contain a wide range of organisms which inter...
A well-designed monitoring program is critical for determining the extent of human impacts and the e...
An algal response model is being developed to inform the operational characteristics of a water supp...
The longitudinal structure of the environmental and phytoplankton variables was investigated in the ...