Velika divergentost genotipova u okviru gajene vrste Capsicum annuum L. omogućava neiscrpni proces selekcije u kreiranju novih hibrida, sorti i linija. U Srbiji postoji mnogo sorti paprike stvorenih za različite namene, ali mali broj je stvoren procesom selekcije. Cilј našeg rada je bio da se prikažu ekonomski najznačajnije morfološke osobine nekih perspektivnih linija Instituta za povrtarstvo u Smederevskoj Palanci. Od posmatranih 5 genotipova izdvojio se genotip LPK-10/1 kod kojeg su utvrđene najveće, statistički značajno različite, vrednosti u odnosu na ostala 4 genotipa. Takođe, genotip LPK-05 se izdvojio visokim vrednostima za masu ploda, debljinu perikarpa i sadržaj suve materije. Ispitivani genotipovi su uklјučeni u dalji p...
Pepper is one of the most important vegetable species in Serbia. The use of pepper fruits is very of...
With the long term production of pepper variety Kurtovska kapija, some biological degeneration has a...
ABSTRACT: The peppers of the genus Capsicumhave economic potential and elevated genetic variability....
Velika divergentost genotipova u okviru gajene vrste Capsicum annuum L. omogućava neiscrpni proces ...
Metodom punog dialela, bez povratnih ukrštanja izvršena je hibridizacija pet roditeljskih genotipova...
Long-term research in pepper organic production are scarce in Republic of Macedonia. Plant and fruit...
Paprika (Capsicum annuum L.) je jedna od najvažnijih povrtarskih vrsta kako zbog površina na kojima...
Paprika (Capsicum annuum L.) je jedna od najvažnijih povrtarskih vrsta kako zbog površina na kojima ...
The pepper genetic resources, which is a widely produced and consumed vegetable in Turkey and the wo...
Obzirom na tradiciju uzgoja, dobru prilagodbu okolišnim uvjetima te zadovoljavajuću kvalitetu i prin...
This doctoral thesis presents the results from three-year comparative research of biological, morpho...
Growing area, various ways of production (traditional or contemporary) and consumption (fresh or pro...
Information about the genetic variation among cultivars of vegetable crops is of vital importance...
Pepper (Capsicum annuum) is one of the major vegetable species in the world, and Serbia as well. The...
In different regions of Serbia people consume pepper fruits with various shapes, sizes and colors. I...
Pepper is one of the most important vegetable species in Serbia. The use of pepper fruits is very of...
With the long term production of pepper variety Kurtovska kapija, some biological degeneration has a...
ABSTRACT: The peppers of the genus Capsicumhave economic potential and elevated genetic variability....
Velika divergentost genotipova u okviru gajene vrste Capsicum annuum L. omogućava neiscrpni proces ...
Metodom punog dialela, bez povratnih ukrštanja izvršena je hibridizacija pet roditeljskih genotipova...
Long-term research in pepper organic production are scarce in Republic of Macedonia. Plant and fruit...
Paprika (Capsicum annuum L.) je jedna od najvažnijih povrtarskih vrsta kako zbog površina na kojima...
Paprika (Capsicum annuum L.) je jedna od najvažnijih povrtarskih vrsta kako zbog površina na kojima ...
The pepper genetic resources, which is a widely produced and consumed vegetable in Turkey and the wo...
Obzirom na tradiciju uzgoja, dobru prilagodbu okolišnim uvjetima te zadovoljavajuću kvalitetu i prin...
This doctoral thesis presents the results from three-year comparative research of biological, morpho...
Growing area, various ways of production (traditional or contemporary) and consumption (fresh or pro...
Information about the genetic variation among cultivars of vegetable crops is of vital importance...
Pepper (Capsicum annuum) is one of the major vegetable species in the world, and Serbia as well. The...
In different regions of Serbia people consume pepper fruits with various shapes, sizes and colors. I...
Pepper is one of the most important vegetable species in Serbia. The use of pepper fruits is very of...
With the long term production of pepper variety Kurtovska kapija, some biological degeneration has a...
ABSTRACT: The peppers of the genus Capsicumhave economic potential and elevated genetic variability....