Magistrsko delo obravnava vprašanje avtentičnosti rabe zvokov ptic v glasbi francoskega skladatelja Olivierja Messiaena. Raziskovanje je potekalo postopoma od preučevanja narave ptičjega oglašanja z vidika ornitologije, prek rabe ptičjega petja v zahodnoevropski glasbi do 20. stoletja in sistematične analize opusa ter nekaterih ključnih del skladatelja do končnega sklepa, da ptičje petje v glasbi Messiaena ne predstavlja avtentičnega posnemanja realnosti, temveč prej domišljijsko transmutacijo, ki je za skladatelja predstavljala izhod iz togih okvirov glavnih tokov tedanje zahodnoevropske glasbe in hkrati pomemben melodični vir.The master\u27s thesis deals with the question of authenticity of the use of bird sounds in the music of the Frenc...
Subsequent to a period of training as a flautist, I ultimately specialised professionally on the bar...
The Concerto for piano solo Fauvettes de l'Hérault – concert des garrigues / Hérault Warblers – conc...
This paper discusses the archetype of “flute as bird” in Western music through the study of...
The intention of this investigation is to formulate a chronological survey of Messiaen's treatment o...
This paper is a study of Olivier Messiaen’s “Appel Interstellaire.” Though its original context is a...
OLIVIER MESSIAEN ( 1908-92) was one of the most influential composers and teachers of the 20th centu...
This article examines the meeting point of Olivier Messiaen, Australia and birdsong, particularly as...
V diplomski nalogi z naslovom Olivier Messiaen: Kvartet za konec časa je opisano življenje skladatel...
Olivier Messiaen heard and notated the songs of the two species of lyrebirds, the Albert's and the S...
Olivier Messiaen infused compositions with a love of nature and the Catholic faith. Messiaen (1908-1...
Za temu svog diplomskog rada autorica je odabrala analizu Messiaenova orguljskog djela Les Corps glo...
Ovaj diplomski rad obuhvaća život i djelovanje skladatelja Oliviera Messiaena te njegove tehnike skl...
Olivier Messiaen heard and notated the songs of the two species of lyrebirds, the Alberts and the Su...
This study explores Messiaen's Catalogue d'oiseaux (1956-58), a solo piano work which consists of t...
Tema ovog rada su Četiri ritamske etide (Quatre Études de rythme) za klavir francuskog skladatelja ...
Subsequent to a period of training as a flautist, I ultimately specialised professionally on the bar...
The Concerto for piano solo Fauvettes de l'Hérault – concert des garrigues / Hérault Warblers – conc...
This paper discusses the archetype of “flute as bird” in Western music through the study of...
The intention of this investigation is to formulate a chronological survey of Messiaen's treatment o...
This paper is a study of Olivier Messiaen’s “Appel Interstellaire.” Though its original context is a...
OLIVIER MESSIAEN ( 1908-92) was one of the most influential composers and teachers of the 20th centu...
This article examines the meeting point of Olivier Messiaen, Australia and birdsong, particularly as...
V diplomski nalogi z naslovom Olivier Messiaen: Kvartet za konec časa je opisano življenje skladatel...
Olivier Messiaen heard and notated the songs of the two species of lyrebirds, the Albert's and the S...
Olivier Messiaen infused compositions with a love of nature and the Catholic faith. Messiaen (1908-1...
Za temu svog diplomskog rada autorica je odabrala analizu Messiaenova orguljskog djela Les Corps glo...
Ovaj diplomski rad obuhvaća život i djelovanje skladatelja Oliviera Messiaena te njegove tehnike skl...
Olivier Messiaen heard and notated the songs of the two species of lyrebirds, the Alberts and the Su...
This study explores Messiaen's Catalogue d'oiseaux (1956-58), a solo piano work which consists of t...
Tema ovog rada su Četiri ritamske etide (Quatre Études de rythme) za klavir francuskog skladatelja ...
Subsequent to a period of training as a flautist, I ultimately specialised professionally on the bar...
The Concerto for piano solo Fauvettes de l'Hérault – concert des garrigues / Hérault Warblers – conc...
This paper discusses the archetype of “flute as bird” in Western music through the study of...