The fast growing of shariah financial industry has forced thepractioners and academist of shariah banking to be more innovativeto meet the demand. One of the innovation is the settlement of newagreement called Ijarah Al Muntahiya bit Tamlik (financial leasingwith purchase). This agreement is a hybrid transaction which combinesleasing and ownership in the end of the leasing. This innovation hasturned to give some benefit and advantages. However, the legal basisof its operation, both from the Islamic perspective and the Indonesianpositive law, is being questioned. Anyway, from the perspective ofIslamic law Ijarah Muntahiya Bittamlik has fulfilled the requirementand three criteria of legal transaction even though there is a differentopinion sa...
Starting from the anxiety of bank interest, and the desire of MUI figures to establish syar'i bank t...
The development of leasing in Indonesia was in line with the development of banking, both bank and n...
Innovations in sharia banking products and services in Indonesia continue to experience significant ...
The rapid development of the Islamic banking industry requires experts of Islamic economics and Isl...
This research is to find out how ijarah and al-Ijarah al-Muntakiya bit Tamlik (IMBT) transactions ar...
This study was conducted to investigate how the implementation of ijarah and Al Ijarah al Muntahiya ...
Development in the business sector is very dynamic and requires a number of legal fiqh which are the...
An Indonesian country with a majority of its population embracing Islam wants a banking institution ...
The development of Islamic finance currently reaching a high stage by creating a varied and innovati...
In recent times, it has become common among the public regarding the Ijarah Muntahiya Bittamlik (IMB...
Akad Ijarah Muntahiya Bittamlik (IMBT) merupakan perjanjian sewa-menyewa yang diakhiri pemindahan ha...
One of the financing instruments developed by Islamic Financial Institutions (LKS) is the murabahah ...
In recent times, it has become common among the public regarding the Ijarah Muntahiya Bittamlik (IMB...
Pandangan hukum Islam selama ini menempatkan transaksi leasing ke dalam istilah al-ijarah. Analisa h...
This article discusses the implementation of the concept of hybrid contracts in the product of ijara...
Starting from the anxiety of bank interest, and the desire of MUI figures to establish syar'i bank t...
The development of leasing in Indonesia was in line with the development of banking, both bank and n...
Innovations in sharia banking products and services in Indonesia continue to experience significant ...
The rapid development of the Islamic banking industry requires experts of Islamic economics and Isl...
This research is to find out how ijarah and al-Ijarah al-Muntakiya bit Tamlik (IMBT) transactions ar...
This study was conducted to investigate how the implementation of ijarah and Al Ijarah al Muntahiya ...
Development in the business sector is very dynamic and requires a number of legal fiqh which are the...
An Indonesian country with a majority of its population embracing Islam wants a banking institution ...
The development of Islamic finance currently reaching a high stage by creating a varied and innovati...
In recent times, it has become common among the public regarding the Ijarah Muntahiya Bittamlik (IMB...
Akad Ijarah Muntahiya Bittamlik (IMBT) merupakan perjanjian sewa-menyewa yang diakhiri pemindahan ha...
One of the financing instruments developed by Islamic Financial Institutions (LKS) is the murabahah ...
In recent times, it has become common among the public regarding the Ijarah Muntahiya Bittamlik (IMB...
Pandangan hukum Islam selama ini menempatkan transaksi leasing ke dalam istilah al-ijarah. Analisa h...
This article discusses the implementation of the concept of hybrid contracts in the product of ijara...
Starting from the anxiety of bank interest, and the desire of MUI figures to establish syar'i bank t...
The development of leasing in Indonesia was in line with the development of banking, both bank and n...
Innovations in sharia banking products and services in Indonesia continue to experience significant ...