Penelitian atas fair value accounting menyelidiki tentang relevansi informasi yang diperoleh melalui penerapan prinsip nilai wajar (fair value principle) serta perbandingannya dengan prinsip pengukuran lain seperti prinsip biaya historis (historical cost principle). Fair value adalah harga yang diterima ketika menjual suatu asset atau membayar suatu kewajiban. Penelitian ini memberikan studi komprehensif tentang literatur fair value accounting dengan menggunakan metode telaah literatur sistematik (systematic literature review) melalui aplikasi Publish or Perish. Dari mesin pencari tersebut, dipilih 62 jurnal yang dijadikan sebagai artikel terpilih (selected articles) dengan periode tahun 2012 sampai 2022. Peneliti menemukan lebih banyak per...
Abstract. This study aims to investigate the impact of the compulsory measurement of fair value and ...
This study aims to analyze the implementation of the fair value concept of fixed assets to governmen...
Abstract. The implementation of international accounting standards has increased fair value implemen...
This paper is intended to explain the use of the concept of fair value instead of book value. The ac...
Reliability and relevancy are two characteristics of financial statement which are usedto assess the...
Historical cost is currently perceived as less suitable to the current business development because ...
Tulisan ini ditujukan untuk menjelaskan penggunaan konsep nilai wajar sebagai pengganti dari nilai b...
Historical cost is currently perceived as less suitable to the current business development because ...
This study was conducted to understand and explain the use of fair value as the basis of valuation i...
Berbeda dari historical cost accounting yang membubuhkan biaya historis pada pos-pos laporan keuanga...
Laporan keuangan merupakan sumber informasi atas kondisi keuangan suatu perusahaan yang diperlukan u...
International Financial Reporting (IFRS) is the global international standards for business operatio...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh Fair Value dan Historical Value terhadap Vo...
International Financial Reporting Standar (IFRS) is a guidelines for financial statements which is t...
This paper aims to describe one of the global issues of IFRS convergence in Indonesia which is the m...
Abstract. This study aims to investigate the impact of the compulsory measurement of fair value and ...
This study aims to analyze the implementation of the fair value concept of fixed assets to governmen...
Abstract. The implementation of international accounting standards has increased fair value implemen...
This paper is intended to explain the use of the concept of fair value instead of book value. The ac...
Reliability and relevancy are two characteristics of financial statement which are usedto assess the...
Historical cost is currently perceived as less suitable to the current business development because ...
Tulisan ini ditujukan untuk menjelaskan penggunaan konsep nilai wajar sebagai pengganti dari nilai b...
Historical cost is currently perceived as less suitable to the current business development because ...
This study was conducted to understand and explain the use of fair value as the basis of valuation i...
Berbeda dari historical cost accounting yang membubuhkan biaya historis pada pos-pos laporan keuanga...
Laporan keuangan merupakan sumber informasi atas kondisi keuangan suatu perusahaan yang diperlukan u...
International Financial Reporting (IFRS) is the global international standards for business operatio...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh Fair Value dan Historical Value terhadap Vo...
International Financial Reporting Standar (IFRS) is a guidelines for financial statements which is t...
This paper aims to describe one of the global issues of IFRS convergence in Indonesia which is the m...
Abstract. This study aims to investigate the impact of the compulsory measurement of fair value and ...
This study aims to analyze the implementation of the fair value concept of fixed assets to governmen...
Abstract. The implementation of international accounting standards has increased fair value implemen...