Hasil-hasil penelitian arkeologi selama ini, baik dari sejak zaman penjajahan hingga sekarang belum ada laporan tentang temuan rangka manusia dari pendukung budaya masa plestosen di Sulawesi Selatan. Laporan yang ada, hanya terbatas pada temuan sisa-sisa manusia masa holosen yang berciri Mongoloid. Oleh sebab itu, dalam tulisan ini akan disajikan beberapa data baru hasil penelitian untuk dapat memberi interpretasi awal tentang siapa manusia pendukung dari budaya batu di Sulawesi. Gigi manusia yang ditemukan dalam penggalian berasosiasi dengan alat-alat batu, khususnya mata panah bergerigi dan mikrolit di situs Bala Metti. Jika gigi manusia tersebut adalah dari ras Mongoloid, maka dapat dikatakan bahwa mata panah bergerigi juga telah diprodu...
This article is based on a thesis with the same title on Archaeology Magister Program, Universitas I...
Abstract. Reconstruction of An Individual’s Life from Terjan, Central Java: A Hypotheses. This artic...
Caruban is a site which emerged between Classical and Islamic period. This site is, located in Lasem...
Gua Balang Metti adalah salah satu situs gua yang ditemukan di kawasan budaya prasejarah Pattuku, Ka...
Pembahasan utama dalam penelitian ini adalah uraian osteoarkeologis terkait temuan rangka manusia si...
The set of findings splinter-bar in South Sulawesi are usually associated with human presence with ...
Gunungwingko is an archaeological site located in Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Province. This site was...
Gua Batti terletak di Kecamatan Bontocani, Kabupaten Bone, Sulawesi Selatan. Keberadaan tulangfaunam...
Gunungwingko is an archaeological site located in Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Province. This site was...
Jurnal walennae vol 15 no 2 tahun 2017. pada edisi ini merupakan kontribusi para peneliti balai arke...
Archaeological research in Mamasa District, West Sulawesi, aims to capture artefact data that can de...
This paer is aimed to describe how Bone as kingdom plays an important role in the context of politic...
Sangiran site in the world of science, especially in the issue of early human evolution is important...
Pursuant to archaeology study, origin socialize Moluccas can be identified to come from race with cu...
In 2013, Center for Archaeological Research of Yogyakarta has found a human remain in Cluster F, Lia...
This article is based on a thesis with the same title on Archaeology Magister Program, Universitas I...
Abstract. Reconstruction of An Individual’s Life from Terjan, Central Java: A Hypotheses. This artic...
Caruban is a site which emerged between Classical and Islamic period. This site is, located in Lasem...
Gua Balang Metti adalah salah satu situs gua yang ditemukan di kawasan budaya prasejarah Pattuku, Ka...
Pembahasan utama dalam penelitian ini adalah uraian osteoarkeologis terkait temuan rangka manusia si...
The set of findings splinter-bar in South Sulawesi are usually associated with human presence with ...
Gunungwingko is an archaeological site located in Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Province. This site was...
Gua Batti terletak di Kecamatan Bontocani, Kabupaten Bone, Sulawesi Selatan. Keberadaan tulangfaunam...
Gunungwingko is an archaeological site located in Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Province. This site was...
Jurnal walennae vol 15 no 2 tahun 2017. pada edisi ini merupakan kontribusi para peneliti balai arke...
Archaeological research in Mamasa District, West Sulawesi, aims to capture artefact data that can de...
This paer is aimed to describe how Bone as kingdom plays an important role in the context of politic...
Sangiran site in the world of science, especially in the issue of early human evolution is important...
Pursuant to archaeology study, origin socialize Moluccas can be identified to come from race with cu...
In 2013, Center for Archaeological Research of Yogyakarta has found a human remain in Cluster F, Lia...
This article is based on a thesis with the same title on Archaeology Magister Program, Universitas I...
Abstract. Reconstruction of An Individual’s Life from Terjan, Central Java: A Hypotheses. This artic...
Caruban is a site which emerged between Classical and Islamic period. This site is, located in Lasem...