In the Mangun Karsa eco camp area, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, a reservoir has been built to be used to collect rainwater and named the Grigak Reservoir. The water from the reservoir will be used to irrigate plantation crops grown in the area. However, due to the location of the reservoir under plantation land, a water pump was needed to lift it. Due to the absence of a PLN electricity source and previously built a solar water pump, so to lift the water from the reservoir, a similar solar water pump was built. The water pump used was a jet pump type with a total head of up to 100m. The average water discharge produced at a height of 40m was 27lpm.
The purpose of the activities of the IbM Solar Submersible Pump (PSTS) of peanut farmers is to incre...
Abstrak. Teknologi sistem irigasi pompa tenaga surya memiliki prospek yang sangat baik untuk masa de...
Energy is needed in mobilizing a mechanism both electric energy and energy derived from fossils. Hyd...
The needs for water sources in the Gunung Kidul region remain high, especially during the dry season...
The need for water for irrigating rice fields in Mlarasa Sumobito Jombang village is needed througho...
Water is main resources needed for daily life in Gebang Hemlet, Girisuko Village, Gunung Kidul Dist...
Rainfall harvest planning is planned as an alternative clean water source on theSTIK Bina Husada Pal...
Salah satu sumber energi terbarukan yang banyak tersedia di Indonesia adalah energi matahari. Energi...
Mangunkarsa Ecocamp is located on Grigak Beach, the village of Karang, Gunungkidul egency. It was bu...
The Tirtomarto Reservoir is a reservoir located in Pojok Village, Delingan Village, Karanganyar Dist...
Pondok pesantren Mambaul Ulum terletak di Dusun Bata-Bata, Desa Panaan, Kecamatan Palengaan, Kabupat...
To optimize the planting of rice plants, groundwater is used as a source of water so that the water...
Air merupakan kebutuhan mutlak bagi kelangsungan kehidupan, karena tanpa air tidak akan ada kehidupa...
The economic development and population growth in Indonesia has been increasing rapidly. Most of the...
Pertambahan jumlah penduduk setiap tahun menyebabkan peningkatan terhadap kebutuhan air dan perubaha...
The purpose of the activities of the IbM Solar Submersible Pump (PSTS) of peanut farmers is to incre...
Abstrak. Teknologi sistem irigasi pompa tenaga surya memiliki prospek yang sangat baik untuk masa de...
Energy is needed in mobilizing a mechanism both electric energy and energy derived from fossils. Hyd...
The needs for water sources in the Gunung Kidul region remain high, especially during the dry season...
The need for water for irrigating rice fields in Mlarasa Sumobito Jombang village is needed througho...
Water is main resources needed for daily life in Gebang Hemlet, Girisuko Village, Gunung Kidul Dist...
Rainfall harvest planning is planned as an alternative clean water source on theSTIK Bina Husada Pal...
Salah satu sumber energi terbarukan yang banyak tersedia di Indonesia adalah energi matahari. Energi...
Mangunkarsa Ecocamp is located on Grigak Beach, the village of Karang, Gunungkidul egency. It was bu...
The Tirtomarto Reservoir is a reservoir located in Pojok Village, Delingan Village, Karanganyar Dist...
Pondok pesantren Mambaul Ulum terletak di Dusun Bata-Bata, Desa Panaan, Kecamatan Palengaan, Kabupat...
To optimize the planting of rice plants, groundwater is used as a source of water so that the water...
Air merupakan kebutuhan mutlak bagi kelangsungan kehidupan, karena tanpa air tidak akan ada kehidupa...
The economic development and population growth in Indonesia has been increasing rapidly. Most of the...
Pertambahan jumlah penduduk setiap tahun menyebabkan peningkatan terhadap kebutuhan air dan perubaha...
The purpose of the activities of the IbM Solar Submersible Pump (PSTS) of peanut farmers is to incre...
Abstrak. Teknologi sistem irigasi pompa tenaga surya memiliki prospek yang sangat baik untuk masa de...
Energy is needed in mobilizing a mechanism both electric energy and energy derived from fossils. Hyd...