Development of an Effective Drying System to Improve the Fuel Quality of Poultry Waste Material Using FLUENT Simulation

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Publication date
July 2012
Universiti Teknologi Petronas


Indubitably, the world today is in a state of dependent towards energy for developments. It is no riddle today that world is heavily reliant on oil as the primary source of fuel for energy and oil is known to be a finite source of fuel, thus with the increasing need and usage, the source itself is depleting. Scientists and developers are ever in desperation to seek a new source of energy to prepare for the inevitable day when oil is completely depleted. Biomass provides an ample alternative for a renewable energy source. Nevertheless, extracting energy from poultry waste is not as simple as combusting fuel oil. Poultry waste is far more distinguished compare to oil. Although the step of recovering energy is somewhat similar to oil, that is ...

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