Artikel atau tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauhmana partisipasi masyarakat dan stakeholder dalam mendukung kebijakan yang diambil oleh Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta sebagai bentuk upaya dalam pencegahan penyebaran Covid-19. Masalah difokuskan pada collaborative governance dengan para stakeholder atau pemangku kepentingan yang berperan dalam menekan penyebaran Covid-19, meningkatnya angka yang terpapar virus mengharuskan pemerintah untuk bergerak lebih tanggap. Guna mendekati masalah ini dipergunakan acuan teori dari collaborative governance dan partisipasi masyarakat. Data-data dikumpulkan menggunakan studi literatur, dengan mencari referensi teori yang relevan dengan kasus atau permasalahan yang ditemukan, cara yang digunakan ...
ABSTRAK Pandemi Covid-19 telah menyebabkan banyaknya perubahan kepada semua tatanan kehidupan sosial...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana upaya penanganan Covid-19 oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten...
In the recovery of MSMEs during the pandemic, the government cannot do it alone. Therefore, collabor...
The purpose of this study is to identify and discuss collaborative governance during times of crisis...
Pemberlakuan Kebijakan PSBB pertama kalinya di Indonesia dilaksanakan di DKI Jakarta sebagai upaya p...
AbstractThe Covid-19 pandemic is a shared problem so it must also be resolved collectively. In the c...
Pandemi Covid-19 sejak kemunculannya di tanah air terus memberikan dampak nyata bagi kehidupan manus...
The handling of the Covid-19 problem in the city of Padang has not been maximized. This is due to th...
Local economic sustainability is the responsibility of all parties, namely the government, the priva...
The arrival of the Covid-19 virus outbreak has made all humans in the world restless, including micr...
This research aims to analyze the policies and efforts taken by the Jakarta government to deal with ...
This study aims to analyze the factors that cause collaborative governance in relaxing UN collection...
This study examines the dimensions of Collaborative Governance in minimizing the Covid-19 pandemic. ...
In March 2020, there are various countries in the world were appaled by the Covid-19 virus, includin...
This research is related to the development of MSMEs in Indonesia. The dependent variable used in th...
ABSTRAK Pandemi Covid-19 telah menyebabkan banyaknya perubahan kepada semua tatanan kehidupan sosial...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana upaya penanganan Covid-19 oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten...
In the recovery of MSMEs during the pandemic, the government cannot do it alone. Therefore, collabor...
The purpose of this study is to identify and discuss collaborative governance during times of crisis...
Pemberlakuan Kebijakan PSBB pertama kalinya di Indonesia dilaksanakan di DKI Jakarta sebagai upaya p...
AbstractThe Covid-19 pandemic is a shared problem so it must also be resolved collectively. In the c...
Pandemi Covid-19 sejak kemunculannya di tanah air terus memberikan dampak nyata bagi kehidupan manus...
The handling of the Covid-19 problem in the city of Padang has not been maximized. This is due to th...
Local economic sustainability is the responsibility of all parties, namely the government, the priva...
The arrival of the Covid-19 virus outbreak has made all humans in the world restless, including micr...
This research aims to analyze the policies and efforts taken by the Jakarta government to deal with ...
This study aims to analyze the factors that cause collaborative governance in relaxing UN collection...
This study examines the dimensions of Collaborative Governance in minimizing the Covid-19 pandemic. ...
In March 2020, there are various countries in the world were appaled by the Covid-19 virus, includin...
This research is related to the development of MSMEs in Indonesia. The dependent variable used in th...
ABSTRAK Pandemi Covid-19 telah menyebabkan banyaknya perubahan kepada semua tatanan kehidupan sosial...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana upaya penanganan Covid-19 oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten...
In the recovery of MSMEs during the pandemic, the government cannot do it alone. Therefore, collabor...