Computed Tomography (CT) with rectal air inflation was compared with transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) in the preoperative staging of lower rectal cancer in 126 patients. Precontrast and postcontrast CT scans were performed with 5 mm thick slices; the rectum was previously inflated with air and antiperistaltic agents were administered. Preoperative results were compared with histologic findings. The accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of CT in predicting perirectal spread were 76\%, 62\% and 83\%, whereas the corresponding figures for TRUS were 84\%, 69\% and 92\%. The accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of CT and TRUS for nodal involvement were 58\%, 60\%, 57\% and 72\%, 68\% and 66\%, respectively. These results show that TRUS predicts pe...
BACKGROUND: To determine the accuracy of computed tomography performed with a water enema applicatio...
Last years technological developments in imaging field have made a substantial contribution to diagn...
Endorectal-US is the most suitable imaging technique in the initial staging of rectal cancer and it ...
The accuracy of transrectal US (TRUS) and of MRI was evaluated in the preoperative staging and in lo...
The aim of the present study was to compare the accuracy of transrectal ultrasound in staging rectal...
Abstract Background Rectal cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors and has a high incidenc...
Background and Aims: Transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS) has proven useful for loco-regional staging ...
BACKGROUND: Preoperative restaging of irradiated rectal cancer is essential for the planning of opti...
Accurate preoperative staging is very important to the planning of the appropriate treatment for pat...
PURPOSE: The preoperative assessment of rectal cancer wall invasion and regional lymph node metastas...
To evaluate the accuracy of transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS) in the assessment of the invasion dep...
Thorough clinical examination, endorectal ultrasound, and magnetic resonance tomography (MRI) are de...
A prospective study was carried out in 14 patients with rectal cancer. Tumors were staged preoperati...
INTRODUCTION: The aim of the present study was to compare the restaging results obtained by transr...
The use of modern techniques of imaging in the postoperative follow-up is reported to allow an earli...
BACKGROUND: To determine the accuracy of computed tomography performed with a water enema applicatio...
Last years technological developments in imaging field have made a substantial contribution to diagn...
Endorectal-US is the most suitable imaging technique in the initial staging of rectal cancer and it ...
The accuracy of transrectal US (TRUS) and of MRI was evaluated in the preoperative staging and in lo...
The aim of the present study was to compare the accuracy of transrectal ultrasound in staging rectal...
Abstract Background Rectal cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors and has a high incidenc...
Background and Aims: Transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS) has proven useful for loco-regional staging ...
BACKGROUND: Preoperative restaging of irradiated rectal cancer is essential for the planning of opti...
Accurate preoperative staging is very important to the planning of the appropriate treatment for pat...
PURPOSE: The preoperative assessment of rectal cancer wall invasion and regional lymph node metastas...
To evaluate the accuracy of transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS) in the assessment of the invasion dep...
Thorough clinical examination, endorectal ultrasound, and magnetic resonance tomography (MRI) are de...
A prospective study was carried out in 14 patients with rectal cancer. Tumors were staged preoperati...
INTRODUCTION: The aim of the present study was to compare the restaging results obtained by transr...
The use of modern techniques of imaging in the postoperative follow-up is reported to allow an earli...
BACKGROUND: To determine the accuracy of computed tomography performed with a water enema applicatio...
Last years technological developments in imaging field have made a substantial contribution to diagn...
Endorectal-US is the most suitable imaging technique in the initial staging of rectal cancer and it ...