Time 1 refers to collections 1 da post fertilization and Time 2 refers to 4 da post fertilization.</p
Modeling spatially explicit data provides a powerful approach to identify the effects of exogenous f...
A genetic identification method (DNA barcoding) was used to compare the community compositions of pl...
Left panel: star symbol on the inset map of Michigan indicates the Upper Black River study location....
Multivariate ordinations of lake sturgeon sturgeon egg surface lower eukaryotic (18S) communities ba...
Lower eukaryotic (18S) lake sturgeon egg surface community evenness (means±SE) for estimated across ...
Multivariate ordinations of lake sturgeon egg surface bacterial (16S) communities based on discrimin...
Bacterial (16S) lake sturgeon egg surface community evenness estimated for all aquatic insect treatm...
Bacterial (16S) lake sturgeon egg surface community richness (means±SE) for samples across aquatic i...
Bacterial (16S) Shannon diversity estimated for lake sturgeon egg surface communities from aquatic i...
Lower eukaryotic (18S) Shannon diversity estimates (mean±SE) contrasting egg surface communities acr...
Lake sturgeon free embryo mean (±SE) total length (TL mm) and yolk-sac area (YSA mm2) at hatch acros...
Quantitative PCR analyses of bacterial (16S) abundance for lake sturgeon egg surface communities sam...
Mean days (±SE) to hatch and mean proportional survival (±SE) at hatch for lake sturgeon free embryo...
<p>Evolutionary relationships among 11 collections of Atlantic Sturgeon juveniles and adults based o...
The lake sturgeon is an ancient species of fish native to the Great Lakes Region. They were consider...
Modeling spatially explicit data provides a powerful approach to identify the effects of exogenous f...
A genetic identification method (DNA barcoding) was used to compare the community compositions of pl...
Left panel: star symbol on the inset map of Michigan indicates the Upper Black River study location....
Multivariate ordinations of lake sturgeon sturgeon egg surface lower eukaryotic (18S) communities ba...
Lower eukaryotic (18S) lake sturgeon egg surface community evenness (means±SE) for estimated across ...
Multivariate ordinations of lake sturgeon egg surface bacterial (16S) communities based on discrimin...
Bacterial (16S) lake sturgeon egg surface community evenness estimated for all aquatic insect treatm...
Bacterial (16S) lake sturgeon egg surface community richness (means±SE) for samples across aquatic i...
Bacterial (16S) Shannon diversity estimated for lake sturgeon egg surface communities from aquatic i...
Lower eukaryotic (18S) Shannon diversity estimates (mean±SE) contrasting egg surface communities acr...
Lake sturgeon free embryo mean (±SE) total length (TL mm) and yolk-sac area (YSA mm2) at hatch acros...
Quantitative PCR analyses of bacterial (16S) abundance for lake sturgeon egg surface communities sam...
Mean days (±SE) to hatch and mean proportional survival (±SE) at hatch for lake sturgeon free embryo...
<p>Evolutionary relationships among 11 collections of Atlantic Sturgeon juveniles and adults based o...
The lake sturgeon is an ancient species of fish native to the Great Lakes Region. They were consider...
Modeling spatially explicit data provides a powerful approach to identify the effects of exogenous f...
A genetic identification method (DNA barcoding) was used to compare the community compositions of pl...
Left panel: star symbol on the inset map of Michigan indicates the Upper Black River study location....