The color changes from red to dark blue denote the expression levels from high to low. The X-axis denotes the expression of IM in each subtype, and the Y-axis denotes the category of corresponding gene. IMs: immunomodulators. * P P < 0.01.</p
<p>The relative gene expression levels of all samples were depicted in color-code. The threshold cyc...
<p>The differentially expressed genes of the ISG cluster with the most significant functions are rep...
<p>All genes with names starting with IL, IFN, TGF or TNF were selected and subject to two-way hiera...
<p>(A) The heatmap shows immunoproteasome genes (protein ubiquitinitation pathway) that were differe...
The heatmap shows hierarchical clustering of 770 immune-related genes in all 515 patients across the...
<p>(A) Senescence, (B) ECM, (C) EMT, (D) visual perception and (E) immune response related DEGs were...
<p>(A) The heatmap shows genes that belong to the type I IFN signaling pathway and were differential...
<p>Each column represents a treatment, and each row represents a unigene. Differences in expression ...
<p>Data obtained from the initial knock-down were used to generate a heat map of phenotype profiles....
<p>Different colors represent different expression levels; a darker color represents higher expressi...
<p>Expression levels are color-coded with shades of red, green and black corresponding to the degree...
<p>A heat map depicts the gene expression data of all replicates in a color scheme: red color repres...
<p>The heat map depicts the gene expression data of all replicates in a color scheme: red color repr...
The heatmap depicts the changes in gene expression levels after the RNA interference (RNAi) of LNC33...
<p>The heat map shows a number of both up-regulated and down-regulated genes (15–240 minutes post-in...
<p>The relative gene expression levels of all samples were depicted in color-code. The threshold cyc...
<p>The differentially expressed genes of the ISG cluster with the most significant functions are rep...
<p>All genes with names starting with IL, IFN, TGF or TNF were selected and subject to two-way hiera...
<p>(A) The heatmap shows immunoproteasome genes (protein ubiquitinitation pathway) that were differe...
The heatmap shows hierarchical clustering of 770 immune-related genes in all 515 patients across the...
<p>(A) Senescence, (B) ECM, (C) EMT, (D) visual perception and (E) immune response related DEGs were...
<p>(A) The heatmap shows genes that belong to the type I IFN signaling pathway and were differential...
<p>Each column represents a treatment, and each row represents a unigene. Differences in expression ...
<p>Data obtained from the initial knock-down were used to generate a heat map of phenotype profiles....
<p>Different colors represent different expression levels; a darker color represents higher expressi...
<p>Expression levels are color-coded with shades of red, green and black corresponding to the degree...
<p>A heat map depicts the gene expression data of all replicates in a color scheme: red color repres...
<p>The heat map depicts the gene expression data of all replicates in a color scheme: red color repr...
The heatmap depicts the changes in gene expression levels after the RNA interference (RNAi) of LNC33...
<p>The heat map shows a number of both up-regulated and down-regulated genes (15–240 minutes post-in...
<p>The relative gene expression levels of all samples were depicted in color-code. The threshold cyc...
<p>The differentially expressed genes of the ISG cluster with the most significant functions are rep...
<p>All genes with names starting with IL, IFN, TGF or TNF were selected and subject to two-way hiera...