Erard Christian. Henderson, P. & Henderson, G. M. (2009). — The Cambridge handbook of earth science data. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge & New York. In: Revue d'Écologie (La Terre et La Vie), tome 65, n°3, 2010. p. 292
Gasc Jean-Pierre. Mc Gowan, C. — A Practical Guide to Vertebrate Mechanics. Cambridge University Pre...
Sutherland, W.J. (ed). Ecological census techniques. A handbook. Cambridge University Press, Cambrid...
Bourlière François. Tarling, D.H. and Tarling, M.P. — Continental Drift. A study of the Earth's Movi...
Erard Christian. Houghton, J. — Global warming. The complete briefing. Cambridge University Press, C...
Bravard Jean-Paul. J.-P. Michel, R. W. Fairbridge, Dictionary of Earth Science (Dictionnaire des Sci...
Bourlière François. Cattermole, P. & Moore, P. — The Story of the Earth. Cambridge University Press,...
Vogt Henri. Un manuel de sciences de la terre : W. L. Donn, The Earth : Our Physical Environment. In...
H. E. Wilson, Down to Earth : 150 Years of the British Geological Survey... (Edinburgh-London : Scot...
Erard Christian. Macdonald, D. W. & Service, K. (eds). — Key topics in conservation biology. Blackwe...
Martin J. S. Rudwick, The New science of geology : Studies in the earth sciences in the age of Revol...
Bibring Jean-Pierre. Mars et la Terre : destins croisés. In: Bulletin de la Classe des sciences, tom...
Bourlière F. Bridges, E.M. — World Soils. Second Edition. London, Cambridge University Press. In: La...
Langouet L. Bravard J.P, Cammas C, Nehlig P., Poupet P., Salvador P.G. , Wattez J, 1999 - La géologi...
Erard Christian. Frankham, R., Ballou, J. D. & Briscoe, D. A. — Introduction to conservation genetic...
Erard Christian. Génermont, J. & Perrin, C.— Pourquoi la nature s’engourdit ? Graines, kystes, hiber...
Gasc Jean-Pierre. Mc Gowan, C. — A Practical Guide to Vertebrate Mechanics. Cambridge University Pre...
Sutherland, W.J. (ed). Ecological census techniques. A handbook. Cambridge University Press, Cambrid...
Bourlière François. Tarling, D.H. and Tarling, M.P. — Continental Drift. A study of the Earth's Movi...
Erard Christian. Houghton, J. — Global warming. The complete briefing. Cambridge University Press, C...
Bravard Jean-Paul. J.-P. Michel, R. W. Fairbridge, Dictionary of Earth Science (Dictionnaire des Sci...
Bourlière François. Cattermole, P. & Moore, P. — The Story of the Earth. Cambridge University Press,...
Vogt Henri. Un manuel de sciences de la terre : W. L. Donn, The Earth : Our Physical Environment. In...
H. E. Wilson, Down to Earth : 150 Years of the British Geological Survey... (Edinburgh-London : Scot...
Erard Christian. Macdonald, D. W. & Service, K. (eds). — Key topics in conservation biology. Blackwe...
Martin J. S. Rudwick, The New science of geology : Studies in the earth sciences in the age of Revol...
Bibring Jean-Pierre. Mars et la Terre : destins croisés. In: Bulletin de la Classe des sciences, tom...
Bourlière F. Bridges, E.M. — World Soils. Second Edition. London, Cambridge University Press. In: La...
Langouet L. Bravard J.P, Cammas C, Nehlig P., Poupet P., Salvador P.G. , Wattez J, 1999 - La géologi...
Erard Christian. Frankham, R., Ballou, J. D. & Briscoe, D. A. — Introduction to conservation genetic...
Erard Christian. Génermont, J. & Perrin, C.— Pourquoi la nature s’engourdit ? Graines, kystes, hiber...
Gasc Jean-Pierre. Mc Gowan, C. — A Practical Guide to Vertebrate Mechanics. Cambridge University Pre...
Sutherland, W.J. (ed). Ecological census techniques. A handbook. Cambridge University Press, Cambrid...
Bourlière François. Tarling, D.H. and Tarling, M.P. — Continental Drift. A study of the Earth's Movi...