Stock is an investment instrument that has risk in its management. One effort to minimize this risk is to model and make further forecasts of stock price movements. Time series data forecasting with autoregressive models is often found in several cases with the most popular approach being the ARIMA model. The tree-based method is one of the algorithms that can be used to forecast both in classification and regression. One ensemble approach to tree-based methods is Extra Trees. This study aims to forecast using the Extra Trees algorithm by evaluating forecasting accuracy with Rolling Forecast Origin on BRMS stock price data. Based on the results obtained, it is known that Extra Trees produces a fairly good accuracy for forecasting up to 6 da...
The purpose of this study is to find the most appropriate model for predicting future stock prices, ...
Artificial neural networks are modeling methods that can capture complex input and output relationsh...
Investment has a very important role in economic growth, when investors invest, GDP tends to rise wh...
It is shown that regression trees can be used to give useful predictions of the average price moveme...
One of the highly challenging businesses today is the task of forecasting the market movements by e...
Nowadays, lot of people make an investments to get a passive income. This is used by many companies ...
Stock trend forecasting is a one of the main factors in choosing the best investment, hence predicti...
AbstractIt is one of the hardest challenges to predict the movement of the stock price. We propose t...
The stock market has been one of the primary revenue streams for many for years. The stock market is...
A great proportion of stock dynamics can be explained using publicly available information. The rela...
With the increased financial fragility, methods have been needed to predict financial data effective...
Forecasting the future prices of stock by analyzing the past and current price movements in determin...
This research applies the Bursa Malaysia Plantation Index to examine the most suitable forecasting m...
Stock market speculation is captivating to many people. Millions of people worldwide sell and buy st...
This paper examined time, trends, seasonalities, and cycles to attempt to forecast stock price direc...
The purpose of this study is to find the most appropriate model for predicting future stock prices, ...
Artificial neural networks are modeling methods that can capture complex input and output relationsh...
Investment has a very important role in economic growth, when investors invest, GDP tends to rise wh...
It is shown that regression trees can be used to give useful predictions of the average price moveme...
One of the highly challenging businesses today is the task of forecasting the market movements by e...
Nowadays, lot of people make an investments to get a passive income. This is used by many companies ...
Stock trend forecasting is a one of the main factors in choosing the best investment, hence predicti...
AbstractIt is one of the hardest challenges to predict the movement of the stock price. We propose t...
The stock market has been one of the primary revenue streams for many for years. The stock market is...
A great proportion of stock dynamics can be explained using publicly available information. The rela...
With the increased financial fragility, methods have been needed to predict financial data effective...
Forecasting the future prices of stock by analyzing the past and current price movements in determin...
This research applies the Bursa Malaysia Plantation Index to examine the most suitable forecasting m...
Stock market speculation is captivating to many people. Millions of people worldwide sell and buy st...
This paper examined time, trends, seasonalities, and cycles to attempt to forecast stock price direc...
The purpose of this study is to find the most appropriate model for predicting future stock prices, ...
Artificial neural networks are modeling methods that can capture complex input and output relationsh...
Investment has a very important role in economic growth, when investors invest, GDP tends to rise wh...