22 pagesSparker (3000 J and 8000 J) and multichannel seismic reflection profiles across the Valencia trough show a Messinian unconformity incised by numerous valleys. The main feature of this surface is a large valley that generally underlies the present Valencia valley and is deeply entrenched into the Miocene deposits. The size of this palaeo-valley ranges from 0.5 km wide and 15-100 m deep at its western end, to 1.6-2.8 km wide and 200-250 m deep downstream. An important tributary system is observed, with a main canyon (6-8 km wide and 150-200 m deep) draining the Ebro margin, as well as many other smaller valleys draining the Catalan and Balearic margins. Downstream, other tributaries underlie the present canyons of the Catalan margin. ...