Tumor intrakranial adalah suatu lesi ekspansif yang membentuk massa dalam ruang tengkorak. Kami melaporkan manajemen anestesi pada pasien dengan tumor intrakranial yang menjalani prosedur awake craniotomy. Seorang laki-laki berumur 39 tahun, berat badan 60 kg dengan riwayat epilepsi ditemukan space occupying lession pada lobus frontalis kiri setelah dilakukan CT-scan kepala. Prosedur awake craniotomy untuk pengangkatan tumor dilakukan karena lokasi tumor berada di dekat area Broca. Awake craniotomy dilakukan dengan kombinasi anestesi intravena (i.v) dexmedetomidin dan blok scalp. Premedikasi midazolam 2 mg i.v dan oksigenasi 3 liter/menit nasal diberikan dari awal proses operasi. Pasien diberikan dexmedetomidine loading dose 1 mcg/kgBB dala...
Awake craniotomy is a gold standard of care for resection of brain tumors located within or close to...
Batang otak adalah komponen dari fossa posterior, oleh karena itu penatalaksanaan anestesi pada rese...
Resection of brain tumours carries a great risk of functional impairment, especially if the tumour i...
Anestesi pada awake craniotomy dilakukan dengan menggunakan salah satu atau kombinasi dari teknik sc...
The awake craniotomy is a procedure where the craniotomy and excision of the lesion is done in awake...
Anaesthesia for neurosurgery while the patient remains awake requires a highly motivated patient and...
Awake craniotomy, which was initially used for the surgical treatment of epilepsy, is performed for ...
Resection of brain tumors may cause neurological sequelae, according to the site and size of the bra...
Kraniofaringioma adalah tumor sela dan parasela, yang merupakan 6-10% tumor otak pada anak-anak. Gej...
Awake craniotomy is a common procedure in resection of lesions near critical functional regions, par...
Anesthesia for craniotomy on brain injury needs a knowledge about cerebral phisiology and the effect...
Meningioma merupakan tumor intrakranial jinak yang sering ditemukan. Berasal dari jaringan meningen ...
Background and objectives: Some intracranial procedures are achievable with patients awake, however,...
Patient with refractory seizure may undergo awake craniotomy when the area to be resected is immedia...
Introduction: Awake craniotomy allows continuous monitoring of patients' neurological functions duri...
Awake craniotomy is a gold standard of care for resection of brain tumors located within or close to...
Batang otak adalah komponen dari fossa posterior, oleh karena itu penatalaksanaan anestesi pada rese...
Resection of brain tumours carries a great risk of functional impairment, especially if the tumour i...
Anestesi pada awake craniotomy dilakukan dengan menggunakan salah satu atau kombinasi dari teknik sc...
The awake craniotomy is a procedure where the craniotomy and excision of the lesion is done in awake...
Anaesthesia for neurosurgery while the patient remains awake requires a highly motivated patient and...
Awake craniotomy, which was initially used for the surgical treatment of epilepsy, is performed for ...
Resection of brain tumors may cause neurological sequelae, according to the site and size of the bra...
Kraniofaringioma adalah tumor sela dan parasela, yang merupakan 6-10% tumor otak pada anak-anak. Gej...
Awake craniotomy is a common procedure in resection of lesions near critical functional regions, par...
Anesthesia for craniotomy on brain injury needs a knowledge about cerebral phisiology and the effect...
Meningioma merupakan tumor intrakranial jinak yang sering ditemukan. Berasal dari jaringan meningen ...
Background and objectives: Some intracranial procedures are achievable with patients awake, however,...
Patient with refractory seizure may undergo awake craniotomy when the area to be resected is immedia...
Introduction: Awake craniotomy allows continuous monitoring of patients' neurological functions duri...
Awake craniotomy is a gold standard of care for resection of brain tumors located within or close to...
Batang otak adalah komponen dari fossa posterior, oleh karena itu penatalaksanaan anestesi pada rese...
Resection of brain tumours carries a great risk of functional impairment, especially if the tumour i...