The direction of the Qibla prayer at mosques and prayer rooms in Blendung Village, Ulujami Subdistrict, Pemalang Regency is different, some are straight to adjust the direction of the building and the direction of the ceramic floor, some are leaning towards the right. The difference in the direction of this Qibla is the background for conducting research, with a focus on the direction of the mosque and mosque building and the direction of the Qibla shoff at the mosque and mosque. This field research was sourced from the main data from the results of the accuracy of the direction of the mosque and the prayer room, information from the management of the mosque and the mosque and those who know the history of the mosque and mosque. Data proces...
This study aims to describe the qibla of the prayer room in roadside restaurants across city distric...
This article examines and tests the accuracy of the direction of several mosques in Tanete Riattang ...
The issue of Qibla surfaced along with the death of the Prophet Muhammad and the spread of...
One of the conditions for a valid prayer is facing the Qibla, Imam Syafi'i believes that people who ...
Qibla is defined as the building of the Ka’bah or the direction of Muslims in carrying out a worship...
The problem of Qibla is nothing but a matter of direction, namely the direction of the Ka'bah in Mak...
Syekh Ali As-Shobuni in his Tafsir Ayatul Ahkam explained that according to Imam As-Syafi'i, the obl...
One of the conditions for a valid prayer is facing the Qiblah, Imam Syafi'i believes that people who...
In this all-digital era, the use of Android devices is no longer just a medium for communication, bu...
This article discusses the comparison of the accuracy of two tools that are often used to measure th...
This paper explains a simple method used to determine the direction of Qibla or do the correction of...
The direction of the Qibla is very important in salat prayer. Having to know the direction means bei...
It is important to determine the Qibla direction accurately, because it is a requirement for the val...
The determinant of direction of the Kaaba or Qibla is important to Muslim as it is an obligation fo...
The accuracy of the Qibla direction at the Baitul Makmur Great Mosque in West Aceh cannot tolerate. ...
This study aims to describe the qibla of the prayer room in roadside restaurants across city distric...
This article examines and tests the accuracy of the direction of several mosques in Tanete Riattang ...
The issue of Qibla surfaced along with the death of the Prophet Muhammad and the spread of...
One of the conditions for a valid prayer is facing the Qibla, Imam Syafi'i believes that people who ...
Qibla is defined as the building of the Ka’bah or the direction of Muslims in carrying out a worship...
The problem of Qibla is nothing but a matter of direction, namely the direction of the Ka'bah in Mak...
Syekh Ali As-Shobuni in his Tafsir Ayatul Ahkam explained that according to Imam As-Syafi'i, the obl...
One of the conditions for a valid prayer is facing the Qiblah, Imam Syafi'i believes that people who...
In this all-digital era, the use of Android devices is no longer just a medium for communication, bu...
This article discusses the comparison of the accuracy of two tools that are often used to measure th...
This paper explains a simple method used to determine the direction of Qibla or do the correction of...
The direction of the Qibla is very important in salat prayer. Having to know the direction means bei...
It is important to determine the Qibla direction accurately, because it is a requirement for the val...
The determinant of direction of the Kaaba or Qibla is important to Muslim as it is an obligation fo...
The accuracy of the Qibla direction at the Baitul Makmur Great Mosque in West Aceh cannot tolerate. ...
This study aims to describe the qibla of the prayer room in roadside restaurants across city distric...
This article examines and tests the accuracy of the direction of several mosques in Tanete Riattang ...
The issue of Qibla surfaced along with the death of the Prophet Muhammad and the spread of...