Cílem práce je analýza díla Děti Volhy od soudobé ruské spisovatelky Guzel Jachinové z několika literárně-filozofických perspektiv. Konkrétně se jedná o fenomenologismus, ruský formalismus, sémiotiku, pozitivismus, poststrukturalismus, marxistickou estetiku, recepční teorii a hermeneutiku.ObhájenoThe aim of the thesis is to analyze the work Children of the Volga by contemporary Russian writer Guzel Yakhinova from several literary and philosophical perspectives. Specifically, these include phenomenologism, Russian formalism, semiotics, positivism, poststructuralism, Marxist aesthetics, reception theory, and hermeneutics
The article compares for the first time the philosophical and aesthetic views on Russian literature ...
Die 1972 von den Frankfurter Slavisten Olexa Horbatsch und Gerd Freidhof begründete Reihe Specimina ...
© Journal of Language and Literature. The article reveals the literary works and events of the XX - ...
Cílem práce je analýza díla Děti Volhy od soudobé ruské spisovatelky Guzel Jachinové z několika lite...
The aim of the thesis is to advert to precarious position of the history of literature and some othe...
V bakalářské práci se zabývám interpretací románu Zulejka otevírá oči od Guzel Jachinové. V práci po...
Based on the authors’ experience in analyzing and interpreting Russian works of art in a Slovak univ...
Tématem diplomové práce je literární tvorba ruského spisovatele Anatolije Jegina. V teoretické části...
(in English): My bachelor thesis focuses on the literary work of ukrainian poet Vasyl Ivanovyč Holob...
The paper analyses and compares the methodologies of the study of a literary text developed by Boris...
The article deals with the problem of methodological status of the modern Russian literature compara...
The article is devoted to the characteristics and detailed analysis of main conceptions of contempor...
The study is concerned with the worlds of heroes in Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's novel The First Circle....
Russian Formalism was develope in early 20th century. The critics assciated with this movement diffe...
The Kemerovo School of Theoretical Poetics was founded in the 1970s. It was in the West Siberian min...
The article compares for the first time the philosophical and aesthetic views on Russian literature ...
Die 1972 von den Frankfurter Slavisten Olexa Horbatsch und Gerd Freidhof begründete Reihe Specimina ...
© Journal of Language and Literature. The article reveals the literary works and events of the XX - ...
Cílem práce je analýza díla Děti Volhy od soudobé ruské spisovatelky Guzel Jachinové z několika lite...
The aim of the thesis is to advert to precarious position of the history of literature and some othe...
V bakalářské práci se zabývám interpretací románu Zulejka otevírá oči od Guzel Jachinové. V práci po...
Based on the authors’ experience in analyzing and interpreting Russian works of art in a Slovak univ...
Tématem diplomové práce je literární tvorba ruského spisovatele Anatolije Jegina. V teoretické části...
(in English): My bachelor thesis focuses on the literary work of ukrainian poet Vasyl Ivanovyč Holob...
The paper analyses and compares the methodologies of the study of a literary text developed by Boris...
The article deals with the problem of methodological status of the modern Russian literature compara...
The article is devoted to the characteristics and detailed analysis of main conceptions of contempor...
The study is concerned with the worlds of heroes in Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's novel The First Circle....
Russian Formalism was develope in early 20th century. The critics assciated with this movement diffe...
The Kemerovo School of Theoretical Poetics was founded in the 1970s. It was in the West Siberian min...
The article compares for the first time the philosophical and aesthetic views on Russian literature ...
Die 1972 von den Frankfurter Slavisten Olexa Horbatsch und Gerd Freidhof begründete Reihe Specimina ...
© Journal of Language and Literature. The article reveals the literary works and events of the XX - ...