Konstipacija je jedna od najčešćih kroničnih gastrointestinalnih tegoba. Dosadašnja klinička istraživanja upućuju na zaključak da probiotici mogu poboljšati stanje osoba koje pate od konstipacije. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio ispitati utjecaj odabranih sojeva probiotika na funkcionalnu konstipaciju osoba starije životne dobi smještenih u domu za starije i nemoćne, koristeći randomizirani, dvostruko slijepi, placebom kontrolirani, paralelni dizajn studije. Sudionici u studiji s probioticima su randomizirani u dvije skupine kroz 12 tjedana intervencije s probiotičkim sojevima Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BLC1, Lactobacillus acidophilus LA 3, Lactobacillus casei BGP93 ili placebom. Primarni cilj bio je ispitati učinak od...
Aims: This study aims to investigate the effect of different kinds of food products enriched with a...
The history of the role of probiotics for human health is one century old and several definitions ha...
Long-term care settings have the majority of their patients on multiple antibiotics, and outbreaks o...
Konstipacija je jedna od najčešćih kroničnih gastrointestinalnih tegoba. Dosadašnja klinička istraži...
POVZETEK Teoretična izhodišča: Diplomsko delo govori o probiotikih in koristi probiotikov v prehrani...
Recent studies have reported that there is a group of microbiota, which have been shown to bring ben...
The aim of the present systematic review is to summarize the existing knowledge about the human micr...
Background: Functional constipation is a prevalent, burdensome gastrointestinal disorder whose treat...
W ostatnich latach rośnie zainteresowanie tematem probiotyków oraz żywności funkcjonalnej. Niniejsza...
Objective: PROBIOSENIOR is a research project that aims to evaluate the effect of a probiotic functi...
Selected strains of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria are known to ameliorate constipation-related sym...
The elderly population is inherently more susceptible to gastrointestinal problems and diseases due ...
textabstractOur aim was to determine whether a fermented milk drink containing probiotics could impr...
Probiotics have been suggested as an effective supplementation to conventional treatment regimens fo...
Probiotici su pojedinačne ili mješovite kulture živih mikroorganizama, koji djeluju pozitivno na org...
Aims: This study aims to investigate the effect of different kinds of food products enriched with a...
The history of the role of probiotics for human health is one century old and several definitions ha...
Long-term care settings have the majority of their patients on multiple antibiotics, and outbreaks o...
Konstipacija je jedna od najčešćih kroničnih gastrointestinalnih tegoba. Dosadašnja klinička istraži...
POVZETEK Teoretična izhodišča: Diplomsko delo govori o probiotikih in koristi probiotikov v prehrani...
Recent studies have reported that there is a group of microbiota, which have been shown to bring ben...
The aim of the present systematic review is to summarize the existing knowledge about the human micr...
Background: Functional constipation is a prevalent, burdensome gastrointestinal disorder whose treat...
W ostatnich latach rośnie zainteresowanie tematem probiotyków oraz żywności funkcjonalnej. Niniejsza...
Objective: PROBIOSENIOR is a research project that aims to evaluate the effect of a probiotic functi...
Selected strains of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria are known to ameliorate constipation-related sym...
The elderly population is inherently more susceptible to gastrointestinal problems and diseases due ...
textabstractOur aim was to determine whether a fermented milk drink containing probiotics could impr...
Probiotics have been suggested as an effective supplementation to conventional treatment regimens fo...
Probiotici su pojedinačne ili mješovite kulture živih mikroorganizama, koji djeluju pozitivno na org...
Aims: This study aims to investigate the effect of different kinds of food products enriched with a...
The history of the role of probiotics for human health is one century old and several definitions ha...
Long-term care settings have the majority of their patients on multiple antibiotics, and outbreaks o...