The Book of the 2016-2017 BIPA Student Indonesian Journal Champion Books has 22 article describing the experiences of foreign students while in Indonesia. This study intend to describe a language mistake contained in the article of BIPA Darmasiswa students. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach. The procedures for collecting data in this study were (1) article collection, article reading, marking by underlining, classifying with tables, making diagrams. This research data was taken from the Indonesian Journal of Students Darmasiswa 2016/2017. The retrieved data in the form of sentences that identified in the form of language mistake which include: sentence structure mistake, diction selection mistake, and discourse un...
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kesalahan penggunaan diksi dalam tuturan maha...
Abstract: This study aims to find out the errors of clauses contained in essays by BIPA beginner lev...
This study attempts to expose the common structural errors of second language acquisition in bahasa ...
This study aims to analyze language errors and their interpretations at the level of syntax, morphol...
Language is the necessary part in our life because people use it to communicate and interact with ot...
The problems of this research were the students tended to use the Indonesian language structure when...
Study has objectives, (1) describe the mistakes in the language in the field of syntax in the essay ...
This study aims to describe the mistake of speaking in Indonesia done sixth grade at SDN 1 Galagamba...
The purpose of this study is to describe the errors of diction using of functuation, and syntaxtic s...
Language is a means of communication. With language, people can express their ideas, thoughts, and f...
ABSTRACT Ari Fhatona. 2020. Thesis. Analysis of Syntactical Language Errors in the Journal of Educat...
Written language errors can occur in BIPA learning due to several factors: students’ low grammar mas...
Indonesian students as foreign language learners have difficulties in learning English. One of the s...
Language plays an important role in interacting with others. Without the language of interaction it ...
Writing skills are language skills that students at all levels of education must possess. This skill...
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kesalahan penggunaan diksi dalam tuturan maha...
Abstract: This study aims to find out the errors of clauses contained in essays by BIPA beginner lev...
This study attempts to expose the common structural errors of second language acquisition in bahasa ...
This study aims to analyze language errors and their interpretations at the level of syntax, morphol...
Language is the necessary part in our life because people use it to communicate and interact with ot...
The problems of this research were the students tended to use the Indonesian language structure when...
Study has objectives, (1) describe the mistakes in the language in the field of syntax in the essay ...
This study aims to describe the mistake of speaking in Indonesia done sixth grade at SDN 1 Galagamba...
The purpose of this study is to describe the errors of diction using of functuation, and syntaxtic s...
Language is a means of communication. With language, people can express their ideas, thoughts, and f...
ABSTRACT Ari Fhatona. 2020. Thesis. Analysis of Syntactical Language Errors in the Journal of Educat...
Written language errors can occur in BIPA learning due to several factors: students’ low grammar mas...
Indonesian students as foreign language learners have difficulties in learning English. One of the s...
Language plays an important role in interacting with others. Without the language of interaction it ...
Writing skills are language skills that students at all levels of education must possess. This skill...
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kesalahan penggunaan diksi dalam tuturan maha...
Abstract: This study aims to find out the errors of clauses contained in essays by BIPA beginner lev...
This study attempts to expose the common structural errors of second language acquisition in bahasa ...