The most common vocational path in life is marriage. The need of spouses, their children, but also the society as a whole is for it to be happy and dissoluble. However, a significant number of spouses, including Catholic spouses, lodge divorce proceedings causing family disintegrations. The number of cohabiting couples of people, without getting married, is also growing. Responsibility for vowed love is signifi cant both in the dimension of the earthly and eternal life. The question then arises: what factors are conducive to shaping a successful marriage, and in particular, is religiosity one of them? The article explains the words of the marriage vow spoken by persons entering into the sacramental marriage. It also provides an overview of ...
W niniejszym artykule omówiona została istota małżeństwa w głównych religiach świata (judaizm, islam...
The 500 anniversary of Reformation is an opportunity for reflexion on main contents of Protestant tr...
The source of love is in God’s act of creation, therefore, it captures the truth in the human heart ...
The article presents the results of the analysis of Christian family life from the point of view of ...
Marriage is a profound communion of life and love established by the Creator and normalized by His l...
Marriage is a basic human vocation realized by the majority of the members of the Church. Man and wo...
Cel. Celem prezentowanego artykułu jest prześledzenie wybranych dokumentów Kościoła Katolickiego, po...
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest odpowiedź na pytanie, czemu służy ślub kościelny. Dla dojrzałych w w...
The indissolubility of sacramental marriage has been over the centuries the crucial point of the tea...
The indissolubility of sacramental marriage has been over the centuries the crucial point of the tea...
The number of divorces in Lithuania remains high for a long time now, the birth rate is low, this ca...
Thee article is an analysis of the concept of marriage and the traditional roles ascribed to wife an...
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie małżeństwa jako drogi prowadzącej do komunii z Bogiem. Dlatego tr...
Today, many of the faithful who are preparing for marriage and family life have not received suffici...
Podjętą w opracowaniu refleksję nad świętością małżeństwa i rodziny rozpoczyna uwaga skonce...
W niniejszym artykule omówiona została istota małżeństwa w głównych religiach świata (judaizm, islam...
The 500 anniversary of Reformation is an opportunity for reflexion on main contents of Protestant tr...
The source of love is in God’s act of creation, therefore, it captures the truth in the human heart ...
The article presents the results of the analysis of Christian family life from the point of view of ...
Marriage is a profound communion of life and love established by the Creator and normalized by His l...
Marriage is a basic human vocation realized by the majority of the members of the Church. Man and wo...
Cel. Celem prezentowanego artykułu jest prześledzenie wybranych dokumentów Kościoła Katolickiego, po...
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest odpowiedź na pytanie, czemu służy ślub kościelny. Dla dojrzałych w w...
The indissolubility of sacramental marriage has been over the centuries the crucial point of the tea...
The indissolubility of sacramental marriage has been over the centuries the crucial point of the tea...
The number of divorces in Lithuania remains high for a long time now, the birth rate is low, this ca...
Thee article is an analysis of the concept of marriage and the traditional roles ascribed to wife an...
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie małżeństwa jako drogi prowadzącej do komunii z Bogiem. Dlatego tr...
Today, many of the faithful who are preparing for marriage and family life have not received suffici...
Podjętą w opracowaniu refleksję nad świętością małżeństwa i rodziny rozpoczyna uwaga skonce...
W niniejszym artykule omówiona została istota małżeństwa w głównych religiach świata (judaizm, islam...
The 500 anniversary of Reformation is an opportunity for reflexion on main contents of Protestant tr...
The source of love is in God’s act of creation, therefore, it captures the truth in the human heart ...