Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Undangan Pernikahan Online Menggunakan Metode Waterfall Berbasis Web Mobile

  • Chandra, Yudi Irawan
  • Irawati, Diyah Ruri
  • Widayati, Susi
  • Airinia, Kristina
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Publication date
September 2022
STMIK Bumigora Mataram


In this digitalization era, people tend to use smartphones more and surf the internet in many activities. The internet also makes it very easy for people to do activities such as shopping, communicating and sharing information, one of which is by using chat applications and websites. Until now, the Covid-19 pandemic is still sweeping the world. The Indonesian government has also appealed to the public to always comply with health protocols when doing activities outside the home to minimize the increase in patients in Indonesia itself. Although many couples who are getting married still want to hold a wedding reception, they still have to limit guests to carry out health protocols. This online invitation application can be used for someone w...

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