MāszinībasVeselības aprūpeNursing StudiesHealth CareMaģistra darba tēma “Trauksmes un depresijas riska faktori grūtniecēm Covid-19 pandēmijas laikā”. Izvirzīta attiecīga hipotēze, ka pastāv depresijas un trauksmes riska saistība ar demogrāfiskiem, ekonomiskiem un sociāliem faktoriem grūtniecēm 3 trimestrī COVID-19 pandēmijas laikā. Tika izvirzīti 2 Pētījuma mērķi - Noskaidrot trauksmes un depresijas risku grūtniecēm 3 trimestrī, kā arī novērtēt depresiju un trauksmi grūtniecēm COVID-19 pandēmijas laikā un tās saistību ar demogrāfiskiem, ekonomiskiem un sociāliem aspektiem. Pētījumā tika izmantota metode - kvantitatīvs aprakstošs šķērsgriezuma pētījums. Izmantota maģistra darba autores veidota anketa, kas sastāv no 1. Jautājumi, kas saistīt...
Anxiety that occurs in pregnant women is a serious problem because the mortality rate for pregnant ...
Covid-19 infection is more common in expectant mothers. than people who are not expecting. This caus...
Bakgrund: Psykisk hälsa är grundläggande för människors förmåga att tänka, interagera med varandra, ...
Trudnoća je osjetljivo razdoblje u životu žene, a od pojave pandemije bolesti COVID-19 došlo je do p...
Uvod: Med nosečnostjo se pojavijo velike fiziološke spremembe, ki lahko vplivajo na duševno zdravje ...
Koronavirusna bolezen je nalezljiva bolezen, ki se je prvič pojavila decembra leta 2019. Najpogostej...
COVID-19 se je hitro razširil po vsem svetu in povzročil pandemijo, ki je prinesla mnoge ukrepe varo...
PubMed ID 35213907WOS:000761023500003Objective In addition to being a medical phenomenon, pandemics...
Covid-19 is an acute respiratory tract disorder caused by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coro...
The COVID-19 pandemic had a big impact on society across the world and was shown to have a negative ...
The Covid-19 virus pandemic can cause various manifestations, especially in risk groups, one of whic...
The aim of this study was to analyze stress and anxiety levels experienced by pregnant and post-part...
Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic that has lasted for two years has actually caused anxiety disorders f...
Background: COVID-19 is an enveloped RNA virus, declared as a pandemic in 2020. The pandemic and the...
Hamilelik dönemi kadınların fizyolojik hormonal ve psikolojik değişiklikler yaşadığı bir dönemdir. Y...
Anxiety that occurs in pregnant women is a serious problem because the mortality rate for pregnant ...
Covid-19 infection is more common in expectant mothers. than people who are not expecting. This caus...
Bakgrund: Psykisk hälsa är grundläggande för människors förmåga att tänka, interagera med varandra, ...
Trudnoća je osjetljivo razdoblje u životu žene, a od pojave pandemije bolesti COVID-19 došlo je do p...
Uvod: Med nosečnostjo se pojavijo velike fiziološke spremembe, ki lahko vplivajo na duševno zdravje ...
Koronavirusna bolezen je nalezljiva bolezen, ki se je prvič pojavila decembra leta 2019. Najpogostej...
COVID-19 se je hitro razširil po vsem svetu in povzročil pandemijo, ki je prinesla mnoge ukrepe varo...
PubMed ID 35213907WOS:000761023500003Objective In addition to being a medical phenomenon, pandemics...
Covid-19 is an acute respiratory tract disorder caused by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coro...
The COVID-19 pandemic had a big impact on society across the world and was shown to have a negative ...
The Covid-19 virus pandemic can cause various manifestations, especially in risk groups, one of whic...
The aim of this study was to analyze stress and anxiety levels experienced by pregnant and post-part...
Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic that has lasted for two years has actually caused anxiety disorders f...
Background: COVID-19 is an enveloped RNA virus, declared as a pandemic in 2020. The pandemic and the...
Hamilelik dönemi kadınların fizyolojik hormonal ve psikolojik değişiklikler yaşadığı bir dönemdir. Y...
Anxiety that occurs in pregnant women is a serious problem because the mortality rate for pregnant ...
Covid-19 infection is more common in expectant mothers. than people who are not expecting. This caus...
Bakgrund: Psykisk hälsa är grundläggande för människors förmåga att tänka, interagera med varandra, ...