AudiologopēdijaVeselības aprūpeAudiologopaedicsHealth CareNosaukums: Attālinātā runas un valodas terapija Covid-19 pandēmijas laikā: vecāku un skolēnu vērtējums. Mērķis: Noskaidrot, kāda ir vecāku un sākumskolas vecuma bērnu apmierinātība ar attālināto runas un valodas terapiju un kā attālinātā terapija tiek vērtēta salīdzinājumā ar klātienes terapiju. Metodes: Pēc autoru Joseph Lam, Stephen Lee, Xiuli Tong pētījuma Parents’ and Students’ Perceptions of Telepractice Services for Speech-Language Therapy During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Survey Study tulkotas un pielāgotas aptaujas tika aptaujāti vecāki un sākumskolas vecuma bērni. Respondentu aptaujāšana notika no 1. marta līdz 1. aprīlim. Anketa elektroniski tika izsūtīta 84 Latvijas izglītība...
Tutkimukseni tavoite oli selvittää Helsingin kaupungin ensimmäisen luokan vanhempien kokemuksia kodi...
Pandemija COVID-19 izazvala je značajan pomak u obrazovnom sektoru, pri čemu su mnoge škole i sveuči...
The objective of this bachelor thesis is to analyze a distance form of the speech therapy interventi...
AudiologopēdijaVeselības aprūpeAudiologopaedicsHealth CareNosaukums: Teleprakses ieviešana Latvijā C...
Telepractice facilitates services in exceptional settings and situations. The ongoing COVID-19 pande...
The diploma thesis deals with the parents' view of the process of speech therapy intervention and th...
Pandemija COVID-19 virusa dovela je to povećane potrebe za teleterapijom u logopediji. To se događa ...
Mucanje je poremećaj tečnosti govora koji je karakteriziran čestim ponavljanjima glasova ili slogova...
Pandemija COVID-19 je družine privedla do spremenjenih okoliščin in do nekaterih izzivov, kot so izg...
The aim of this article was to evaluate the sudden implementation of telepractice in Belgium during ...
Yök tez no: 736973Bu çalışmanın amacı Covid-19 salgın döneminde uzaktan eğitim sürecine ilişkin veli...
Pojav novega koronavirusa SARS-CoV-2 po vsem svetu je vplival na številna področja človekovega delov...
The study investigated how pediatric speech-language pathologists (SLPs) applied telepractice to com...
Background: There has been a significant uptake in the use of telepractice during the coronavirus SA...
This thesis addresses preschool education in the COVID-19 pandemic from a speech therapy perspective...
Tutkimukseni tavoite oli selvittää Helsingin kaupungin ensimmäisen luokan vanhempien kokemuksia kodi...
Pandemija COVID-19 izazvala je značajan pomak u obrazovnom sektoru, pri čemu su mnoge škole i sveuči...
The objective of this bachelor thesis is to analyze a distance form of the speech therapy interventi...
AudiologopēdijaVeselības aprūpeAudiologopaedicsHealth CareNosaukums: Teleprakses ieviešana Latvijā C...
Telepractice facilitates services in exceptional settings and situations. The ongoing COVID-19 pande...
The diploma thesis deals with the parents' view of the process of speech therapy intervention and th...
Pandemija COVID-19 virusa dovela je to povećane potrebe za teleterapijom u logopediji. To se događa ...
Mucanje je poremećaj tečnosti govora koji je karakteriziran čestim ponavljanjima glasova ili slogova...
Pandemija COVID-19 je družine privedla do spremenjenih okoliščin in do nekaterih izzivov, kot so izg...
The aim of this article was to evaluate the sudden implementation of telepractice in Belgium during ...
Yök tez no: 736973Bu çalışmanın amacı Covid-19 salgın döneminde uzaktan eğitim sürecine ilişkin veli...
Pojav novega koronavirusa SARS-CoV-2 po vsem svetu je vplival na številna področja človekovega delov...
The study investigated how pediatric speech-language pathologists (SLPs) applied telepractice to com...
Background: There has been a significant uptake in the use of telepractice during the coronavirus SA...
This thesis addresses preschool education in the COVID-19 pandemic from a speech therapy perspective...
Tutkimukseni tavoite oli selvittää Helsingin kaupungin ensimmäisen luokan vanhempien kokemuksia kodi...
Pandemija COVID-19 izazvala je značajan pomak u obrazovnom sektoru, pri čemu su mnoge škole i sveuči...
The objective of this bachelor thesis is to analyze a distance form of the speech therapy interventi...