The Doctoral Thesis was developed at Baltic International Academy, Latvia. Defence: at the public session of the Doctoral Committee of Doctoral Committee of Economics and Business on 7th July 2022 at 11.00 online via Zoom platform.The key principle of electricity market design is the maximisation of public welfare. In the context of rational electricity consumption, social welfare is the sum of consumer surplus, supplier surplus and congestion rents in order to maximise the benefits to society. For decades, the importance of balancing supply and demand has been emphasised in discussions on the security of the electricity sector. It has been reasonably assumed that electricity demand is inelastic, mainly by studying supply potential. However...
This thesis is devoted to analysing electricity market in Ukraine, segmented according to two types ...
Defence Date: 11 April 2011Examining Board: Prof. Hans-W. Micklitz, European University Institute; P...
At present in the Baltic States power engineering is occurring the passage from the price formation ...
Praktiski visā pasaulē un arī Latvijā ir ticis atzīts, ka tirgus un konkurence ir galvenais mūsdienu...
Bakalaura darba mērķis ir, pamatojoties uz ekonomisko un statistisko datu, kā arī Latvijas politiska...
Electricity is crucial to the development, progress, security and overall lifestyle in the global ec...
Promocijas darbs izstrādāts Baltijas Starptautiskajā akadēmijā, Latvijā. Aizstāvēšana: Ekonomikas un...
The main focus of this thesis is to find out what factors have the biggest influence on the price of...
Electricity is a vital product to the entire country's economy and society. Once having a sufficient...
The energy sector is characterized by a growing share of variable renewable energy sources, primaril...
katedra: KEK; rozsah: 79 s.The aim of this Diploma work is to analyse price offers of individual sup...
Ņemot vērā, ka elektroenerģiju izmanto visās cilvēku dzīves un darba jomās tās nepārtraukta un kvali...
Demand response plays a very important role in balancing the intermittent production of an increasin...
Bakalaura darbā autors ir aprakstījis ar pētāmas tēmas saistīto teorētisko daļu – tirgu jēdzienu, bū...
Consumer behaviour in the energy field is playing a more important role in the new approach dominate...
This thesis is devoted to analysing electricity market in Ukraine, segmented according to two types ...
Defence Date: 11 April 2011Examining Board: Prof. Hans-W. Micklitz, European University Institute; P...
At present in the Baltic States power engineering is occurring the passage from the price formation ...
Praktiski visā pasaulē un arī Latvijā ir ticis atzīts, ka tirgus un konkurence ir galvenais mūsdienu...
Bakalaura darba mērķis ir, pamatojoties uz ekonomisko un statistisko datu, kā arī Latvijas politiska...
Electricity is crucial to the development, progress, security and overall lifestyle in the global ec...
Promocijas darbs izstrādāts Baltijas Starptautiskajā akadēmijā, Latvijā. Aizstāvēšana: Ekonomikas un...
The main focus of this thesis is to find out what factors have the biggest influence on the price of...
Electricity is a vital product to the entire country's economy and society. Once having a sufficient...
The energy sector is characterized by a growing share of variable renewable energy sources, primaril...
katedra: KEK; rozsah: 79 s.The aim of this Diploma work is to analyse price offers of individual sup...
Ņemot vērā, ka elektroenerģiju izmanto visās cilvēku dzīves un darba jomās tās nepārtraukta un kvali...
Demand response plays a very important role in balancing the intermittent production of an increasin...
Bakalaura darbā autors ir aprakstījis ar pētāmas tēmas saistīto teorētisko daļu – tirgu jēdzienu, bū...
Consumer behaviour in the energy field is playing a more important role in the new approach dominate...
This thesis is devoted to analysing electricity market in Ukraine, segmented according to two types ...
Defence Date: 11 April 2011Examining Board: Prof. Hans-W. Micklitz, European University Institute; P...
At present in the Baltic States power engineering is occurring the passage from the price formation ...