In this paper we propose the use of φ{symbol} - divergences as test statistics to verify simple hypotheses about a one-dimensional parametric diffusion process d Xt = b (Xt, α) d t + σ (Xt, β), α ∈ Rp, β ∈ Rq, p, q > = 1, from discrete observations { Xti, i = 0, ..., n } with ti = i Δn, i = 0, 1, ..., n, under the asymptotic scheme Δn → 0, n Δn → ∞ and n Δn 2 → 0. The class of φ{symbol} - divergences is wide and includes several special members like Kullback-Leibler, Rényi, power and α - divergences. We derive the asymptotic distribution of the test statistics based on the estimated φ{symbol} - divergences. The asymptotic distribution depends on the regularity of the function φ{symbol} and in general it differs from the standard χ2 distribu...