Not AvailableNeem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) is a fast-growing evergreen tree species adopted to wide range of climatic condition and especially suitable for dryland areas. A study was conducted to quantify its potential for carbon sequestration. The study concentrated on estimating biomass and carbon stock of 10-year-old Azadirachta indica plantation under different diameter classes. Biomass production of neem was recorded maximum in root (258.1 t ha-1) followed by primary branch, secondary branch, stem and leaf under 20-30 cm diameter class. The 10-year-old neem plantation showed carbon sequestration potential of about 31.82 kg C tree 1 (88.15 t C ha-1) in above ground biomass and 17.97 kg C tree-1 (49.78 t C ha-1) in belo...