Not AvailableFrontline demonstration on potato (Kufri Sindhuri) was conducted by Krishi Vigyan Kendra,East Sikkim, India. A total 158 nos. of demonstration were conducted in rice-fallow (farm-ers’ practice) at farmer’s field in nine numbers of villages during the year 2019-20. Resultsrevealed that average yield of rice and potato recorded was 2.09 t/ha and 14.13 t/ha, respec-tively. Higher system rice equivalent yield (REY) was recorded 16.22 t/ha in rice-potato and 2.1t/ha and rice-fallow system. System production efficiency (SPE) was also higher in rice-potato(62.14 kg/ha/day) as compared to rice-fallow (14.51 kg/ha/day). Land use efficiency (LUE)was recorded 71.51 % and 39.45 % in rice-potato and rice-fallow system, respectively. Netretu...