Not AvailableThe sustainability of prevailing maize-fallow system in rainfed ecosystems of the Eastern Himalayan region (EHR) of India is often questioned due to poor economic return and negative impact on soil health. Hence, the six cropping systems, maize-fallow (M-F), maize + cowpea-rapeseed (M + C-Rs), maize + cowpea-buckwheat (M + C-Bw), maize + cowpea-barley (M + CeB), maize + cowpea-garden pea (M + C-GP) and maize + cowpea-rajmash (M + C-R) in the main plot and three soil moisture conservation measures, no-mulch (NM), maize stover mulch (MSM) and maize stover + weed biomass mulch (MSM + WBM) in sub-plot were evaluated for four consecutive years (2014-18) at a Research Farm in fixed plot fashion. Results indicated that cowpea c...