ABSTRACT Geodetic science is practically making maps of the earth's surface. Bingkulu village currently has problems with the absence of a village map for village government officials and local residents. The absence of this village map made difficulties for village and community equipment to find out information on Neighborhood Association boundaries and land use in the Bingkulu Village area at Tambang Ulang District. To make a map of the Neighborhood Association boundaries, using survey method with a GPS handheld equipment and identifies the Neighborhood Association boundaries according to the direction from the village officials who is very familiar with the conditions in the field. Making Neighborhood Associat...
Abstrak: Kecamatan Gangga yang berbatasan dengan perkotaan Tanjung memiliki permasalahan dalam alih ...
Keterbukaan informasi geospasial sangat berkembang cepat mulai bersifat open acess maupun tidak. Inf...
Delimitation of the village under Regulation No. 27 In 2006 (Permendagri No.27 Tahun 2006) the proce...
ABSTRACT Geodetic science is practically making maps of the earth's surfa...
Desa Bingkulu yang berada di Kecamatan Tambang Ulang memiliki potensi-potensi yang beranekaragam, te...
Desa Bingkulu yang berada di Kecamatan Tambang Ulang memiliki potensi-potensi yang beranekaragam, te...
Abstrak Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh belum tersedianya data penggunaan lahan berbasis geo sp...
Peta dasar pertanahan dalam menunjang kegiatan administrasi pertanahan yang selama ini menggunakan c...
Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages provides additional evidence that Indonesia has paid more atte...
Abstract: The making of Village Boundary Map is mandated by the Law No 6 0f 2014 on Village. The map...
Boundaries of the village is the boundary of government administration between villages which is a s...
Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages provides additional evidence that Indonesia has paid more atte...
Menekan laju alih fungsi lahan dan mewujudkan ketahanan pangan di suatu wilayah perlu segera dilakuk...
Boundaries of the village is the boundary of government administration between villages which is a s...
Land is a very important, because of natural resources for the continuity of human life in every act...
Abstrak: Kecamatan Gangga yang berbatasan dengan perkotaan Tanjung memiliki permasalahan dalam alih ...
Keterbukaan informasi geospasial sangat berkembang cepat mulai bersifat open acess maupun tidak. Inf...
Delimitation of the village under Regulation No. 27 In 2006 (Permendagri No.27 Tahun 2006) the proce...
ABSTRACT Geodetic science is practically making maps of the earth's surfa...
Desa Bingkulu yang berada di Kecamatan Tambang Ulang memiliki potensi-potensi yang beranekaragam, te...
Desa Bingkulu yang berada di Kecamatan Tambang Ulang memiliki potensi-potensi yang beranekaragam, te...
Abstrak Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh belum tersedianya data penggunaan lahan berbasis geo sp...
Peta dasar pertanahan dalam menunjang kegiatan administrasi pertanahan yang selama ini menggunakan c...
Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages provides additional evidence that Indonesia has paid more atte...
Abstract: The making of Village Boundary Map is mandated by the Law No 6 0f 2014 on Village. The map...
Boundaries of the village is the boundary of government administration between villages which is a s...
Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages provides additional evidence that Indonesia has paid more atte...
Menekan laju alih fungsi lahan dan mewujudkan ketahanan pangan di suatu wilayah perlu segera dilakuk...
Boundaries of the village is the boundary of government administration between villages which is a s...
Land is a very important, because of natural resources for the continuity of human life in every act...
Abstrak: Kecamatan Gangga yang berbatasan dengan perkotaan Tanjung memiliki permasalahan dalam alih ...
Keterbukaan informasi geospasial sangat berkembang cepat mulai bersifat open acess maupun tidak. Inf...
Delimitation of the village under Regulation No. 27 In 2006 (Permendagri No.27 Tahun 2006) the proce...