Saguling Reservoir is one of the reservoirs built in the Citarum Watershed which is quite polluted, and has a potential to contain heavy metals (such as Pb). The Pb will be concentrated in the body of catfish (Pangasius djambal) which is commonly cultured in the reservoir and in the long term will accumulate. Liver is an organ that accumulates the most heavy metals so that it has the potential to cause damage in the form of necrosis, fibrosis, and cirrhosis. This study aims to analyze the content of Pb that accumulates in the liver and its effect on liver tissue damage. This study was conducted in December 2012 through sampling carried out at three stations representing the inlet, middle, and outlet. Analysis of Pb content (in the water and...
The consequences of tin mining activities is the formation large basin-shaped holes filled with wate...
Sungai Gajah Wong merupakan salah satu sungai yang melintasi permukiman masyarakat di bagian timur K...
Kegiatan industri di Kabupaten Cilacap seperti pembangkit listrik tenaga uap dan proses kilang minya...
Saguling Reservoir is one of the reservoirs built in the Citarum Watershed which is quite polluted, ...
This research was conducted on June-July 2009. The aim of this research is to know condition of live...
Timbal termasuk ke dalam jenis logam non esensial yang sifatnya sangat beracun dan akan terakumulasi...
This research was conducted on June-July 2009. The aim of this research is to know condition of live...
Latar belakang: daerah aliran sungai Brantas mengalami penurunan kualitas air berkaitan dengan aktiv...
Palu bay waters is susceptible to heavy metal pollution due to the inclusion of the waste product of...
The study sites were located in the river mouths of Kahayan and Katingan Rivers of Central Kalimanta...
The fishpond in Gresik used seawater as a source of its hydrology so that it can be polluted easily....
Palu bay waters is susceptible to heavy metal pollution due to the inclusion of the waste product of...
The study sites were located in the river mouths of Kahayan and Katingan Rivers of Central Kalimanta...
Ikan adalah produk perikanan yang sering dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat yang dapat dimungkinkan mengandu...
The number of disease cases due to consuming food containing heavy metal lead (Pb) in Indonesia is q...
The consequences of tin mining activities is the formation large basin-shaped holes filled with wate...
Sungai Gajah Wong merupakan salah satu sungai yang melintasi permukiman masyarakat di bagian timur K...
Kegiatan industri di Kabupaten Cilacap seperti pembangkit listrik tenaga uap dan proses kilang minya...
Saguling Reservoir is one of the reservoirs built in the Citarum Watershed which is quite polluted, ...
This research was conducted on June-July 2009. The aim of this research is to know condition of live...
Timbal termasuk ke dalam jenis logam non esensial yang sifatnya sangat beracun dan akan terakumulasi...
This research was conducted on June-July 2009. The aim of this research is to know condition of live...
Latar belakang: daerah aliran sungai Brantas mengalami penurunan kualitas air berkaitan dengan aktiv...
Palu bay waters is susceptible to heavy metal pollution due to the inclusion of the waste product of...
The study sites were located in the river mouths of Kahayan and Katingan Rivers of Central Kalimanta...
The fishpond in Gresik used seawater as a source of its hydrology so that it can be polluted easily....
Palu bay waters is susceptible to heavy metal pollution due to the inclusion of the waste product of...
The study sites were located in the river mouths of Kahayan and Katingan Rivers of Central Kalimanta...
Ikan adalah produk perikanan yang sering dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat yang dapat dimungkinkan mengandu...
The number of disease cases due to consuming food containing heavy metal lead (Pb) in Indonesia is q...
The consequences of tin mining activities is the formation large basin-shaped holes filled with wate...
Sungai Gajah Wong merupakan salah satu sungai yang melintasi permukiman masyarakat di bagian timur K...
Kegiatan industri di Kabupaten Cilacap seperti pembangkit listrik tenaga uap dan proses kilang minya...