Status gizi dapat dipengaruhi oleh dua yaitu faktor langsung dan tidak langsung. Penyebab langsung terdiri dari asupan makanan anak dan penyakit infeksi yang mungkin diderita anak dan penyebab tidak langsung terdiri dari pengetahuan ibu dan pelayanan kesehatan (kunjungan posyandu). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan asupan energi, protein, pengetahuan gizi ibu, dan frekuensi kunjungan posyandu dengan status gizi. Jenis penelitian yaitu penelitian kuantitatif, dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Cara pengambilan sampel menggunakan sampel purposive sampling beserta ibunya. Instrumen data diperoleh menggunakan kuesioner untuk pengetahuan gizi ibu, asupan energi dan protein dari recall 3x24 jam, frekuensi kunjungan posyandu diper...
Latar Belakang: Optimalisasi tumbuh kembang dan masa emas pertumbuhan otak terjadi pada dua tahun aw...
Stunting prevalence in Indonesia is 37,2%, whereas in Bandar Lampung City is 44,6% and in Kemiling D...
Background: Nutritional status is fully determined by the nutrients the body needs and other factors...
Status gizi dapat dipengaruhi oleh dua yaitu faktor langsung dan tidak langsung. Penyebab langsung t...
Nutritional problems still being main problems in countries such as Indonesia developing. Nutrition ...
Background: The situation at the time of malnourished infants is the result of not giving enough foo...
: Nutritional transition is very important to reduce infectious disease prevalence and under nourish...
Nutritional deficiencies continue to be a public health issue in Indonesia, particularly in Posyandu...
Introduction: Lack of protein-energy or malnutrition is one of the nutritional disorders in the worl...
Background : Based on rank human development index (HDI), Indonesia is on order 109 of state, 174 fa...
Nutritional status is a state of status on a person's body that is related to food consumption, and ...
Background: Nutrition is the important thing that can influence the growth and development of childr...
Nutritional status is one indicator of health is considered successful achievements in MDGs (Millenn...
Nutritional problems still being main problems in countries such as Indonesia developing. Nutrition ...
Masa remaja merupakan masa transisi yang sangat rentan terhadap masalah gizi, status gizi remaja pe...
Latar Belakang: Optimalisasi tumbuh kembang dan masa emas pertumbuhan otak terjadi pada dua tahun aw...
Stunting prevalence in Indonesia is 37,2%, whereas in Bandar Lampung City is 44,6% and in Kemiling D...
Background: Nutritional status is fully determined by the nutrients the body needs and other factors...
Status gizi dapat dipengaruhi oleh dua yaitu faktor langsung dan tidak langsung. Penyebab langsung t...
Nutritional problems still being main problems in countries such as Indonesia developing. Nutrition ...
Background: The situation at the time of malnourished infants is the result of not giving enough foo...
: Nutritional transition is very important to reduce infectious disease prevalence and under nourish...
Nutritional deficiencies continue to be a public health issue in Indonesia, particularly in Posyandu...
Introduction: Lack of protein-energy or malnutrition is one of the nutritional disorders in the worl...
Background : Based on rank human development index (HDI), Indonesia is on order 109 of state, 174 fa...
Nutritional status is a state of status on a person's body that is related to food consumption, and ...
Background: Nutrition is the important thing that can influence the growth and development of childr...
Nutritional status is one indicator of health is considered successful achievements in MDGs (Millenn...
Nutritional problems still being main problems in countries such as Indonesia developing. Nutrition ...
Masa remaja merupakan masa transisi yang sangat rentan terhadap masalah gizi, status gizi remaja pe...
Latar Belakang: Optimalisasi tumbuh kembang dan masa emas pertumbuhan otak terjadi pada dua tahun aw...
Stunting prevalence in Indonesia is 37,2%, whereas in Bandar Lampung City is 44,6% and in Kemiling D...
Background: Nutritional status is fully determined by the nutrients the body needs and other factors...