Infrared radiation is an electromagnetic wave, which has a wavelength between 700 nm and 1 mm. Electromagnetic wave itself has a definition, is a wave that can propagate even if there is no medium. Infrared light has a longer wavelength than visible light, but shorter than radio waves radiation. It is known that the red (from the Latin infra, "below"), red is the color of visible light with the longest wavelength. Infrared light covers 1011 Hz frequency range up to 1014 Hz or a wavelength region 10-4 cm to 10-1 cm. Today the use of infrared is widely used in the health field. Because infrared characteristics can not be seen by humans, can not penetrate opaque materials, can be caused by components that generate heat, at infrared wavelengths...
Infrared thermography is used for measuring and analyzing physiological functions and pathology rela...
This study was conducted to know the temperature sensation of human skin to the infrared radiation i...
This paper presents the results of evaluation of possible biophysical methods and approaches for reg...
This paper presents an overview of the biomedical applications of far infrared radiation. Far infrar...
The authors developed an infrared (IR) cabin with biotechnical feedback, which solves the problems o...
Infracrveno zračenje otkriveno je 1800. godine kada je W. Herschel stavljajući termometar u razne de...
Infracrveno zračenje optičko je zračenje čiji je raspon valnih duljina od približno 700nm do 1mm, te...
This paper presents the results of evaluation of possible biophysical methods for registering of inf...
Peer Reviewed
This paper is about the development, uses and advantages of infrared thermography. Its principles ha...
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Infrared (IR) rays, which comprise approximately 40% of the solar radiatio...
Optical radiation extends between microwaves and X-rays of the electromagnetic radiation and include...
Infrared radiation can be utilized to stimulate the nervous system. Its ability to travel through di...
The book covers the latest updates in the application of infrared to biomedical sciences, a non-inva...
The article describes imperfection of the existing control methods of heat radiation from technologi...
Infrared thermography is used for measuring and analyzing physiological functions and pathology rela...
This study was conducted to know the temperature sensation of human skin to the infrared radiation i...
This paper presents the results of evaluation of possible biophysical methods and approaches for reg...
This paper presents an overview of the biomedical applications of far infrared radiation. Far infrar...
The authors developed an infrared (IR) cabin with biotechnical feedback, which solves the problems o...
Infracrveno zračenje otkriveno je 1800. godine kada je W. Herschel stavljajući termometar u razne de...
Infracrveno zračenje optičko je zračenje čiji je raspon valnih duljina od približno 700nm do 1mm, te...
This paper presents the results of evaluation of possible biophysical methods for registering of inf...
Peer Reviewed
This paper is about the development, uses and advantages of infrared thermography. Its principles ha...
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Infrared (IR) rays, which comprise approximately 40% of the solar radiatio...
Optical radiation extends between microwaves and X-rays of the electromagnetic radiation and include...
Infrared radiation can be utilized to stimulate the nervous system. Its ability to travel through di...
The book covers the latest updates in the application of infrared to biomedical sciences, a non-inva...
The article describes imperfection of the existing control methods of heat radiation from technologi...
Infrared thermography is used for measuring and analyzing physiological functions and pathology rela...
This study was conducted to know the temperature sensation of human skin to the infrared radiation i...
This paper presents the results of evaluation of possible biophysical methods and approaches for reg...