This community service program is to provide survey research training to the history teachers at SMAN 1 Yogyakarta. It focuses on the enhancement of history learning and is conducted in three meetings. It firstly focuses on the importance of conducting survey research to see whether history learning is successful or not. It then presents the survey research methodology in history learning. It lastly deals with survey research data processing and the application of Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS). The history teachers of SMAN 1 Yogyakarta are expected to have a better understanding of applying the survey research in history learning. It is also to familiarise the use of SPSS application for the survey research data proce...
Penelitian ini berjudul “Hubungan Latar Belakang Pendidikan dan Lama Mengajar Guru Sejarah dengan Ha...
History teachers have their own problems related to their own competency. This is based on the histo...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang disusun oleh guru ...
History is an important lesson in increasing the nationalism of students. In addition, the developme...
DarsonoABSTRAKTujuan peneilitan ini untuk meningkatkan keaktifan siswa dalam matapelajaran Sejara...
Training Objectives in Community Service is to (1) provide teachers understanding about TOD; (2) pro...
The objectives of research were: (1) to find out the relationship between historical comprehension w...
Classroom action research is research that can be done by teachers in order to improve the learning ...
This study aims to 1) Know the students perceptions about the performance of history teachers at SMK...
The learning success of a student is influenced by many factors both from internal factors such as l...
Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui : (1) Seberapa besar pengaruh kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap k...
This proposal community service program is designed to provide and assist the teachers to understand...
Cedera pada anak usia sekolah dapat dicegah jika semua warga sekolah baik siswa, guru dan staf lainn...
SPSS is a very user-friendly statistical software. Because of its simplicity that makes it very appl...
This research is classroom action research with qualitative data exposure inthe from of cumulative f...
Penelitian ini berjudul “Hubungan Latar Belakang Pendidikan dan Lama Mengajar Guru Sejarah dengan Ha...
History teachers have their own problems related to their own competency. This is based on the histo...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang disusun oleh guru ...
History is an important lesson in increasing the nationalism of students. In addition, the developme...
DarsonoABSTRAKTujuan peneilitan ini untuk meningkatkan keaktifan siswa dalam matapelajaran Sejara...
Training Objectives in Community Service is to (1) provide teachers understanding about TOD; (2) pro...
The objectives of research were: (1) to find out the relationship between historical comprehension w...
Classroom action research is research that can be done by teachers in order to improve the learning ...
This study aims to 1) Know the students perceptions about the performance of history teachers at SMK...
The learning success of a student is influenced by many factors both from internal factors such as l...
Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui : (1) Seberapa besar pengaruh kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap k...
This proposal community service program is designed to provide and assist the teachers to understand...
Cedera pada anak usia sekolah dapat dicegah jika semua warga sekolah baik siswa, guru dan staf lainn...
SPSS is a very user-friendly statistical software. Because of its simplicity that makes it very appl...
This research is classroom action research with qualitative data exposure inthe from of cumulative f...
Penelitian ini berjudul “Hubungan Latar Belakang Pendidikan dan Lama Mengajar Guru Sejarah dengan Ha...
History teachers have their own problems related to their own competency. This is based on the histo...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang disusun oleh guru ...