The article is devoted to the analysis of one of the central works of the philosopher - essay “On the Child-like Heart-mind” (Tongxin Shuo), which reflects most of the philosophical thoughts of Li Zhi in two pages. The article contains a detailed study of the concept of “child-like heart-mind” from the moment it was first mentioned in the philosophical works of Chinese thinkers until the term appeared in the philosophy of Li Zhi, the article also contains the author's translation of fragments of an essay and commentary on the translation.Статья посвящена анализу одного из центральных эссе философа «Изречение детского сердца» (тун синь шо), где на двух страницах нашла отражение большая часть философских мыслей Ли Чжи. Статья содержит детальн...
[[abstract]] 本文主要探討「天倪、天均、兩行、天府、葆光」的意涵,經由討論,獲知:它們皆寓藏絕待義理,皆指向無有對待的絕對之境,可做為「道」的輔助說明: (一)天倪:自然的分際,不同於常...
The article raises the issues explicating the role and significance of analytic philosophy as one of...
[[abstract]] 綜觀中國佛教的發展,天台教觀思想占有其重要地位,自隋代以降,對於天台典籍思想,各個朝代皆有對其演譯及詮釋,明代時,蕅益智旭所著《教觀綱宗》更是對天台整體基礎架構作一番終結性...
The article examines the translation features of Chinese poetry using the example of Guo Mojo's poem...
In the article there is the research of G. Scovorodaʼs labour is carried out for the reconstruction ...
The article tells about the birth and genesis of Chinese-Far-Eastern civilization. It gives an analy...
The article tells about the birth and genesis of Chinese-Far-Eastern civilization. It gives an analy...
The article tells about the birth and genesis of Chinese-Far-Eastern civilization. It gives an analy...
The article tells about the birth and genesis of Chinese-Far-Eastern civilization. It gives an analy...
[[abstract]]《陸機文賦校釋》係楊牧取其業師陳世驤的《文賦》英譯Literature as Light Against Darkness及徐復觀所著《陸機文賦疏釋初稿》為基礎,參考唐朝以降至...
317-324Иероглифическая система китайского языка модифицировалась в различные периоды своего многовек...
[[abstract]] 生活在明代前中期的桑悅,在今天的學術論述中被認為是復古詩學思潮中的一員,而他為高棅《唐詩品彙》所作的序文,也成為討論後者成書和流傳的重要文獻。本文通過探討桑悅的生平、交遊、...
柳永為北宋著名之詞人,但過往多囿於雅俗之見的評價,使其人其詞在文學史上未能得到相應的地位。故論文中擬將柳永其人其詞重新梳理,冀以柳永士人身分之定位為始,將柳詞的雅與俗帶入文學史中做整體之討論。 ...
[[abstract]] 本文主要探討「天倪、天均、兩行、天府、葆光」的意涵,經由討論,獲知:它們皆寓藏絕待義理,皆指向無有對待的絕對之境,可做為「道」的輔助說明: (一)天倪:自然的分際,不同於常...
The article raises the issues explicating the role and significance of analytic philosophy as one of...
[[abstract]] 綜觀中國佛教的發展,天台教觀思想占有其重要地位,自隋代以降,對於天台典籍思想,各個朝代皆有對其演譯及詮釋,明代時,蕅益智旭所著《教觀綱宗》更是對天台整體基礎架構作一番終結性...
The article examines the translation features of Chinese poetry using the example of Guo Mojo's poem...
In the article there is the research of G. Scovorodaʼs labour is carried out for the reconstruction ...
The article tells about the birth and genesis of Chinese-Far-Eastern civilization. It gives an analy...
The article tells about the birth and genesis of Chinese-Far-Eastern civilization. It gives an analy...
The article tells about the birth and genesis of Chinese-Far-Eastern civilization. It gives an analy...
The article tells about the birth and genesis of Chinese-Far-Eastern civilization. It gives an analy...
[[abstract]]《陸機文賦校釋》係楊牧取其業師陳世驤的《文賦》英譯Literature as Light Against Darkness及徐復觀所著《陸機文賦疏釋初稿》為基礎,參考唐朝以降至...
317-324Иероглифическая система китайского языка модифицировалась в различные периоды своего многовек...
[[abstract]] 生活在明代前中期的桑悅,在今天的學術論述中被認為是復古詩學思潮中的一員,而他為高棅《唐詩品彙》所作的序文,也成為討論後者成書和流傳的重要文獻。本文通過探討桑悅的生平、交遊、...
柳永為北宋著名之詞人,但過往多囿於雅俗之見的評價,使其人其詞在文學史上未能得到相應的地位。故論文中擬將柳永其人其詞重新梳理,冀以柳永士人身分之定位為始,將柳詞的雅與俗帶入文學史中做整體之討論。 ...
[[abstract]] 本文主要探討「天倪、天均、兩行、天府、葆光」的意涵,經由討論,獲知:它們皆寓藏絕待義理,皆指向無有對待的絕對之境,可做為「道」的輔助說明: (一)天倪:自然的分際,不同於常...
The article raises the issues explicating the role and significance of analytic philosophy as one of...
[[abstract]] 綜觀中國佛教的發展,天台教觀思想占有其重要地位,自隋代以降,對於天台典籍思想,各個朝代皆有對其演譯及詮釋,明代時,蕅益智旭所著《教觀綱宗》更是對天台整體基礎架構作一番終結性...