The paper deals with the concept of Brahman in the early Vishishta-Advaita-Vedanta School, particularly in Yamunacarya’s treatise “Ishvarasiddhi”, the main passages of which are lost.Статья посвящена проблеме исследования представлений Ямуначарьи о природе Брахмана, а также выдвигаемых им доказательств существования Личного Бога на базе трактата «Ишварасиддхи» Ямуначарьи, основная часть которого не дошла до наших дней
In the article are brought to light the relations of famous scientist and folklore master J. Basanav...
NAUMOVA V.l. Representations about justice in etiko-philosophical tradition of antiquityВ статье рас...
Изучено влияние комплекса микроэлементов (цинк, бор, молибден, йод, марганец, кобальт, медь) на усто...
The paper deals with some religious and philosophical ideas of the Austrian philosopher Gerhard Ober...
Мақолада юмшоқ буғдой (Triticum aestivum L) ўсимликлар Schizaphis graminum (Toxoptepa graminum) Rond...
The book is the first academic edition of the translation from Persian into Russian of the Sufi work...
Lahunouskaya A. A., Kolyada M. S. Islamic philosophy: origins and genesisВ статье выявляются истоки ...
The author continues to reflect on the fate of the Western axiological project, linking together the...
種子(bija) という概念は、唯識において因果の説明原理として極めて重要な意味を持つ。しかし種子という語自体は、唯識以前の経典や論書にも頻繁に見ることができるものである。本稿では、唯識という思想が形...
หอจดหมายเหตุพุทธทาส อินทปัญโญ (Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives) หรอืทเี่รยีกวา่ สวนโมกข์กรุงเทพฯ หมายถ...
Yuriy Averyanov presents translation of the important monument of Beqtashiyya order Vilayet-nameh by...
Perevod: praktika i teorija. Ramans M. Bagdanovicha u dvuh perakladah na balgarskuju movu / Zhyrkevi...
The author studies the formation process of prosaic genres in Udmurt literature, which is – to a con...
The paper describes the features of realization of Vajra Guru Mantra by the European composer Craig ...
The paper deals with the development of some accounts on the sacrality of the individual in the hist...
In the article are brought to light the relations of famous scientist and folklore master J. Basanav...
NAUMOVA V.l. Representations about justice in etiko-philosophical tradition of antiquityВ статье рас...
Изучено влияние комплекса микроэлементов (цинк, бор, молибден, йод, марганец, кобальт, медь) на усто...
The paper deals with some religious and philosophical ideas of the Austrian philosopher Gerhard Ober...
Мақолада юмшоқ буғдой (Triticum aestivum L) ўсимликлар Schizaphis graminum (Toxoptepa graminum) Rond...
The book is the first academic edition of the translation from Persian into Russian of the Sufi work...
Lahunouskaya A. A., Kolyada M. S. Islamic philosophy: origins and genesisВ статье выявляются истоки ...
The author continues to reflect on the fate of the Western axiological project, linking together the...
種子(bija) という概念は、唯識において因果の説明原理として極めて重要な意味を持つ。しかし種子という語自体は、唯識以前の経典や論書にも頻繁に見ることができるものである。本稿では、唯識という思想が形...
หอจดหมายเหตุพุทธทาส อินทปัญโญ (Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives) หรอืทเี่รยีกวา่ สวนโมกข์กรุงเทพฯ หมายถ...
Yuriy Averyanov presents translation of the important monument of Beqtashiyya order Vilayet-nameh by...
Perevod: praktika i teorija. Ramans M. Bagdanovicha u dvuh perakladah na balgarskuju movu / Zhyrkevi...
The author studies the formation process of prosaic genres in Udmurt literature, which is – to a con...
The paper describes the features of realization of Vajra Guru Mantra by the European composer Craig ...
The paper deals with the development of some accounts on the sacrality of the individual in the hist...
In the article are brought to light the relations of famous scientist and folklore master J. Basanav...
NAUMOVA V.l. Representations about justice in etiko-philosophical tradition of antiquityВ статье рас...
Изучено влияние комплекса микроэлементов (цинк, бор, молибден, йод, марганец, кобальт, медь) на усто...