Oncaea mollicala sp. n. and males O. memorata Gordejeva, 1973 and O. exigua Farran, 1968 are described. The description of females O. exigua is defined more precisely. Crustaceans were found in the plankton samples in the eastern part of the tropic Atlantic, as well as in the Mediterranean, Red and Caribbean Seas.В статье описываются: 1 новый вид рода Oncaea, самец O. memorata Gordejeva, 1973, самец O. exigua Farran, 1968 и уточняется описание самки последнего вида. Рачки найдены в пробах зоопланктона в тропической части Атлантического океана в марте-сентябре 1963 г. в 13-м и 14-м рейсах научно-исследовательского судна «Михаил Ломоносов» и в планктоне Средиземного, Красного и Карибского морей. Голотипы и паратипы хранятся в коллекции Инсти...
Five Calocalanus species are described as new from the Saya-de-Malja Bank of the Indian Ocean: C. vi...
Veligers of thirteen species of Polychaeta, nine species of Gastropoda and nine, species of Decapoda...
The parasitic copepod, Pennella sp., was found on the saury, Cololabis saira (BREVOORT), from the we...
3 new species of Copepoda are described from the genera Disco Grice a. Hulsemann. 1965 and Paradisco...
A description is given for Oncaea latimana sp. n. collected at depths of 500 to 1,000 m in the tropi...
Three new species of the genus Oncaea are described. O. shmelevi, O. oceanica, O. infantula. They we...
3 new species were found in the zooplankton samples collected in the tropic Atlantic, Mediterranean ...
Two groups of females of the Acartia clausi (Giesbrecht) “large’’ form were discovered using phenoty...
A female Centropages spinosus Kriczagin, 1873 (Copepoda, Calanoida) is described from the Sevastopol...
Descriptions and figures are given for 4 new species of the genus Disco: D. tropicus, D. marinus, D....
Results of investigation of copepod fauna in the Novorossiysk Bay of the Black Sea and the Sea of Az...
3 new species of the genus Calocalanus (Copepoda, Calanoida) were described from the Indian Ocean. C...
The article deals in brief with results of hydrophysical and hydrobiological researches, primarily i...
C. nanus sp. n. is similar to C. ovalis but differs from it by the structure of the Vth pair of swim...
Acartia tonsa Dana is found in zooplankton samples from the Caspian and Azov Seas. It is supposed th...
Five Calocalanus species are described as new from the Saya-de-Malja Bank of the Indian Ocean: C. vi...
Veligers of thirteen species of Polychaeta, nine species of Gastropoda and nine, species of Decapoda...
The parasitic copepod, Pennella sp., was found on the saury, Cololabis saira (BREVOORT), from the we...
3 new species of Copepoda are described from the genera Disco Grice a. Hulsemann. 1965 and Paradisco...
A description is given for Oncaea latimana sp. n. collected at depths of 500 to 1,000 m in the tropi...
Three new species of the genus Oncaea are described. O. shmelevi, O. oceanica, O. infantula. They we...
3 new species were found in the zooplankton samples collected in the tropic Atlantic, Mediterranean ...
Two groups of females of the Acartia clausi (Giesbrecht) “large’’ form were discovered using phenoty...
A female Centropages spinosus Kriczagin, 1873 (Copepoda, Calanoida) is described from the Sevastopol...
Descriptions and figures are given for 4 new species of the genus Disco: D. tropicus, D. marinus, D....
Results of investigation of copepod fauna in the Novorossiysk Bay of the Black Sea and the Sea of Az...
3 new species of the genus Calocalanus (Copepoda, Calanoida) were described from the Indian Ocean. C...
The article deals in brief with results of hydrophysical and hydrobiological researches, primarily i...
C. nanus sp. n. is similar to C. ovalis but differs from it by the structure of the Vth pair of swim...
Acartia tonsa Dana is found in zooplankton samples from the Caspian and Azov Seas. It is supposed th...
Five Calocalanus species are described as new from the Saya-de-Malja Bank of the Indian Ocean: C. vi...
Veligers of thirteen species of Polychaeta, nine species of Gastropoda and nine, species of Decapoda...
The parasitic copepod, Pennella sp., was found on the saury, Cololabis saira (BREVOORT), from the we...