Проведен анализ видовой структуры миктофид (Myctophidae) девяти океанических и двух неритических районов Атлантического океана. Достоверно определены 86 видов, принадлежащие к 23 родам. Прослежена связь и закономерности изменения видовой структуры сообществ миктофид с динамикой вод. Приведены новые сведения о распространении ряда видов
Within the framework of off-shore aquatoriums monitoring conducted during 2 years in the Sevastopol ...
Species composition and quantitative distribution of ichthyoplankton are studied in 8 different subs...
Over some years every week the phytoplankton number and biomass near the mouth of Sevastopol Bay was...
Biodiversity of Myctophidae is analyzed taking into account belonging of species to different ecolog...
Приведены первые сведения о типе оогенеза, характере икрометания и плодовитости Protomyctophum chori...
Изучены фенофонды 8 популяционных группировок Myctophum nitidulum тропической зоны Атлантического ок...
Рассмотрены вариации некоторых меристических и пластических признаков Myctophum selenops из различны...
Выполнен анализ размерно-возрастной изменчивости зараженности гельминтами крылорукого кальмара на фо...
The paper presents the data on trophical structure of four communities: Venus gallina, Gouldia minim...
Рассмотрены особенности горизонтального и вертикального распределения Diplospinus multistriatus Maul...
The microzooplankton qualitative composition and quantitative distribution were studied in the ...
Myctophids are one of the most numerous groups among the World Ocean pelagic fish. On one hand the m...
The net plankton spatial distribution was studied in the south-eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean re...
Spatial heterogeneities of the fields of chlorophyll «a» mesoplankton were statistically estimated a...
A qualitative composition and quantitative distribution of microzooplankton were studied in 248 samp...
Within the framework of off-shore aquatoriums monitoring conducted during 2 years in the Sevastopol ...
Species composition and quantitative distribution of ichthyoplankton are studied in 8 different subs...
Over some years every week the phytoplankton number and biomass near the mouth of Sevastopol Bay was...
Biodiversity of Myctophidae is analyzed taking into account belonging of species to different ecolog...
Приведены первые сведения о типе оогенеза, характере икрометания и плодовитости Protomyctophum chori...
Изучены фенофонды 8 популяционных группировок Myctophum nitidulum тропической зоны Атлантического ок...
Рассмотрены вариации некоторых меристических и пластических признаков Myctophum selenops из различны...
Выполнен анализ размерно-возрастной изменчивости зараженности гельминтами крылорукого кальмара на фо...
The paper presents the data on trophical structure of four communities: Venus gallina, Gouldia minim...
Рассмотрены особенности горизонтального и вертикального распределения Diplospinus multistriatus Maul...
The microzooplankton qualitative composition and quantitative distribution were studied in the ...
Myctophids are one of the most numerous groups among the World Ocean pelagic fish. On one hand the m...
The net plankton spatial distribution was studied in the south-eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean re...
Spatial heterogeneities of the fields of chlorophyll «a» mesoplankton were statistically estimated a...
A qualitative composition and quantitative distribution of microzooplankton were studied in 248 samp...
Within the framework of off-shore aquatoriums monitoring conducted during 2 years in the Sevastopol ...
Species composition and quantitative distribution of ichthyoplankton are studied in 8 different subs...
Over some years every week the phytoplankton number and biomass near the mouth of Sevastopol Bay was...