Denne oppgaven undersøkte hvordan Covid-19 pandemien kan ha påvirket lærernes undervisningsmetoder i engelskfaget basert på digitale verktøy. I tillegg undersøkte den hvordan fjernundervisning og digital undervisning kan ha påvirket elevenes engelsklæring. Undersøkelsen var kvalitativ. Tre engelsklærere gjennomførte et semistrukturert intervju, og deres 128 elever i 10. klasse på en videregående skole i en by i Norge gjennomførte en nettbasert undersøkelse. Det teoretiske rammeverket for denne oppgaven tok utgangspunkt i at samfunnet vi lever i er digitalt, og det finnes argumenter for at unge i dag er digitale innfødte eller digitale innvandrere. Bruk av digitale verktøy som undervisningsmetode i et engelsk klasserom i Norge er ikke noe n...
The current thesis aimed to explore Norwegian upper secondary school teachers’ and students’ beliefs...
As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, peoples’ everyday lives have been affected, including the teac...
This study aims to investigate teachers´ use of digital tools in lower secondary Norwegian EFL class...
Denne oppgaven undersøkte hvordan Covid-19 pandemien kan ha påvirket lærernes undervisningsmetoder i...
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Norwegian...
Digital undervisning blev under covid-19 pandemin en viktig metod för att kunna upprätthålla lärande...
Copyright © 2021 Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creati...
Covid-19 medförde att skolundervisningen behövde flytta sin verksamhet till distans, för att minska ...
This study investigates teachers and students challenges in online classes during Covid-19. Also, t...
Á vormánuðum 2020 urðu miklar takmarkanir á grunnskólastarfi hér á landi vegna faraldurs COVID-19, s...
Norwegian universities cancelled all campus activity as a response to a nationwide increase in Covid...
Digitaliseringen i samhället går snabbt framåt men det är inte alltid enkelt att utveckla digitala...
The aim of this research project was to contribute to the knowledge about the teaching practices tak...
The recent digitalization has transformed the way we do things in all areas of society, including ed...
In March 2020, universities in Norway and many other countries shut down due to the Covid-19 pandemi...
The current thesis aimed to explore Norwegian upper secondary school teachers’ and students’ beliefs...
As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, peoples’ everyday lives have been affected, including the teac...
This study aims to investigate teachers´ use of digital tools in lower secondary Norwegian EFL class...
Denne oppgaven undersøkte hvordan Covid-19 pandemien kan ha påvirket lærernes undervisningsmetoder i...
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Norwegian...
Digital undervisning blev under covid-19 pandemin en viktig metod för att kunna upprätthålla lärande...
Copyright © 2021 Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creati...
Covid-19 medförde att skolundervisningen behövde flytta sin verksamhet till distans, för att minska ...
This study investigates teachers and students challenges in online classes during Covid-19. Also, t...
Á vormánuðum 2020 urðu miklar takmarkanir á grunnskólastarfi hér á landi vegna faraldurs COVID-19, s...
Norwegian universities cancelled all campus activity as a response to a nationwide increase in Covid...
Digitaliseringen i samhället går snabbt framåt men det är inte alltid enkelt att utveckla digitala...
The aim of this research project was to contribute to the knowledge about the teaching practices tak...
The recent digitalization has transformed the way we do things in all areas of society, including ed...
In March 2020, universities in Norway and many other countries shut down due to the Covid-19 pandemi...
The current thesis aimed to explore Norwegian upper secondary school teachers’ and students’ beliefs...
As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, peoples’ everyday lives have been affected, including the teac...
This study aims to investigate teachers´ use of digital tools in lower secondary Norwegian EFL class...