Vizsgálataim két nagy szülészeti (méhen belüli növekedési visszamaradás, koraszülés) és egy nőgyógyászati (leiomyoma uteri) kórkép genetikai hátterének vizsgálatára irányultak. A méhen belüli növekedési visszamaradás kapcsán törekedtem az apoptosis és angiogenesis egyensúlyzavarának kóroki szerepét vizsgáltam, míg koraszülés esetén az apoptosis esetleges etiológiai szerepére fókuszáltam. A leiomyoma uteri daganatképződés vonatkozásában a kiemelkedő jelentőségű apoptosis jelenségének genetikai szabályozását elemeztem. Vizsgálataim számos génműködésbeli változást igazoltak, melyeket a rendelkezésre álló klinikai információk tükrében értelmeztem
Des signes d'apoptose, une forme de suicide cellulaire programmé, ont été décrits dans les gamètes e...
The aim of this study was to investigate the role of apoptotic markers on inflammatory human placent...
Because placental apoptosis associated protein imbalance is thought to contribute to the pathogenesi...
Abstract Apoptosis is a genetically programmed mechanism for a multicellular organism to remove cell...
Pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia, intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), preterm labor ...
Introduction: In this study, we assessed Bcl-2 and Bax gene expression patterns in human placental s...
Funding Information: The authors acknowledge the kind support of Riga Stradins University, Riga, Lat...
Objective: In this study we have investigated the presence of apoptosis in the placental tissue of p...
Gebeliğin hipertansif hastalıklarından olan preeklampsi/eklampsi, fetal ve matemal morbidite/mortali...
peer reviewedThe aim of this study was to investigate the role of apoptotic markers on inflammatory ...
Filonenko T.G., Davydova A.A., Ermola Yu.A., Nechiporenko G.V., Shalanin V.V., Syurina N.A., Menshik...
Background: Fetal growth is determined by the interaction between mother and fetus using the placent...
La apoptosis es un proceso genéticamente controlado mediante el cual las células inducen su propia m...
Background: Fetal growth restriction is related to a high rate of prematurity and mortality. In case...
The mechanism of apoptosis was first discovered at the end of the 19th century, but it was only rece...
Des signes d'apoptose, une forme de suicide cellulaire programmé, ont été décrits dans les gamètes e...
The aim of this study was to investigate the role of apoptotic markers on inflammatory human placent...
Because placental apoptosis associated protein imbalance is thought to contribute to the pathogenesi...
Abstract Apoptosis is a genetically programmed mechanism for a multicellular organism to remove cell...
Pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia, intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), preterm labor ...
Introduction: In this study, we assessed Bcl-2 and Bax gene expression patterns in human placental s...
Funding Information: The authors acknowledge the kind support of Riga Stradins University, Riga, Lat...
Objective: In this study we have investigated the presence of apoptosis in the placental tissue of p...
Gebeliğin hipertansif hastalıklarından olan preeklampsi/eklampsi, fetal ve matemal morbidite/mortali...
peer reviewedThe aim of this study was to investigate the role of apoptotic markers on inflammatory ...
Filonenko T.G., Davydova A.A., Ermola Yu.A., Nechiporenko G.V., Shalanin V.V., Syurina N.A., Menshik...
Background: Fetal growth is determined by the interaction between mother and fetus using the placent...
La apoptosis es un proceso genéticamente controlado mediante el cual las células inducen su propia m...
Background: Fetal growth restriction is related to a high rate of prematurity and mortality. In case...
The mechanism of apoptosis was first discovered at the end of the 19th century, but it was only rece...
Des signes d'apoptose, une forme de suicide cellulaire programmé, ont été décrits dans les gamètes e...
The aim of this study was to investigate the role of apoptotic markers on inflammatory human placent...
Because placental apoptosis associated protein imbalance is thought to contribute to the pathogenesi...