This is a recording of two men, Erik and Ari at Ari's house. Erik is 34 years old, born and grew up in Pondok Prasi, married to a woman from east Lombok who grew up in Mataram. He finished high school and now works for a foreign company. Ari is 24 years old, born and grew up in Pondok Prasi and unmarried. He finished high school and now owns a shop. They talk about a job opportunity overseas that Eric is taking care of. The recording ends with Khairunnisa collecting metadata from the speakers. Muhammad Jaelani assisted with the recording. Video was recorded on Panasonic HC-V770, audio on Marantz PMD561 with an Audio Technica AT8022 Stereo Microphone.Ampenan, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesi