By using intense coherent electromagnetic radiation, it may be possible to manipulate the properties of quantum materials very quickly, or even induce new and potentially useful phases that are absent in equilibrium. For instance, ultrafast control of magnetic dynamics is crucial for a number of proposed spintronic devices and can also shed light on the possible dynamics of correlated phases out of equilibrium. Inspired by recent experiments on spin-orbital ferromagnet YTiO3 we consider the nonequilibrium dynamics of Heisenberg ferromagnetic insulator with low-lying orbital excitations. We model the dynamics of the magnon excitations in this system following an optical pulse which resonantly excites infrared-active phonon modes. As the phon...
In the field of femtomagnetism, magnetic matter is controlled by ultrafast laser pulses; here, we sh...
To gain control over magnetic order on ultrafast time scales, a fundamental understanding of the way...
Ultrafast non-thermal manipulation of magnetization by light relies on either indirect coupling of t...
By using intense coherent electromagnetic radiation, it may be possible to manipulate the properties...
In quantum materials, degeneracies and frustrated interactions can have a profound impact on the eme...
Resonant ultrafast excitation of infrared-active phonons is a powerful technique with which to contr...
Excitation of optical transitions in solids using ultrashort pulses of light allows to selectively p...
Multiorbital correlated materials are often on the verge of multiple electronic phases (metallic, in...
Sub-picosecond magnetisation manipulation via femtosecond optical pumping has attracted wide attenti...
We investigate how fast and how effective photocarrier excitation can modify the exchange interactio...
Photo-excitation can drive strongly correlated electron insulators into competing conducting phases1...
The enigmatic interplay between electronic and magnetic phenomena observed in many early experiments...
Nonequilibrium many-body dynamics is becoming one of the central topics of modern condensed matter p...
The parallel or antiparallel arrangement of electron spins plays a pivotal role in determining the p...
Ultrafast control of magnets using femtosecond light pulses attracts interest regarding applications...
In the field of femtomagnetism, magnetic matter is controlled by ultrafast laser pulses; here, we sh...
To gain control over magnetic order on ultrafast time scales, a fundamental understanding of the way...
Ultrafast non-thermal manipulation of magnetization by light relies on either indirect coupling of t...
By using intense coherent electromagnetic radiation, it may be possible to manipulate the properties...
In quantum materials, degeneracies and frustrated interactions can have a profound impact on the eme...
Resonant ultrafast excitation of infrared-active phonons is a powerful technique with which to contr...
Excitation of optical transitions in solids using ultrashort pulses of light allows to selectively p...
Multiorbital correlated materials are often on the verge of multiple electronic phases (metallic, in...
Sub-picosecond magnetisation manipulation via femtosecond optical pumping has attracted wide attenti...
We investigate how fast and how effective photocarrier excitation can modify the exchange interactio...
Photo-excitation can drive strongly correlated electron insulators into competing conducting phases1...
The enigmatic interplay between electronic and magnetic phenomena observed in many early experiments...
Nonequilibrium many-body dynamics is becoming one of the central topics of modern condensed matter p...
The parallel or antiparallel arrangement of electron spins plays a pivotal role in determining the p...
Ultrafast control of magnets using femtosecond light pulses attracts interest regarding applications...
In the field of femtomagnetism, magnetic matter is controlled by ultrafast laser pulses; here, we sh...
To gain control over magnetic order on ultrafast time scales, a fundamental understanding of the way...
Ultrafast non-thermal manipulation of magnetization by light relies on either indirect coupling of t...